

Ant Elephant jokes
→Which ant is bigger than
The elephant??
Ans : a gi-ant

→How do you know
when an elephant
is under your bed?
When Your nose
touches the ceiling.

→What do you call
A laughing elephant??
Ans : Elaughant

→what happened
When an ant proposed
Elephant ??
Ans : Ele-faints

→why elephants are
Ans :
elephants a.k.a
a leaf ants

→Why do elephants
need trunks?
Because they
don’t have handbags.

→What did the elephant
want for his birthday?
A trunk full of presents.

→Why do elephants never
get hot and bothered?
They always have their
ear conditioning on.


→An elephant is in love with an ant. His parents take the proposal to the ant’s parents, but they reject it outright.
When asked why, they say
‘The boy’s teeth are outside!’

→One day, an ant and elephant were riding a scooter. They met with an accident, and only the ant survived.
How come?
Because the ant was wearing a helmet.

→Once a cat asked an ant where she was going. She replied, ‘Oh you know, my poor Elephant friend has met with a terrible accident. Since we share the same blood group, I thought I would go to the hospital and donate my blood to him.’

→2 ants saw an elephant approaching in the near distance. One of the ants told the other, ‘Let’s smash him to pulp.’ The other replied, ‘Are you crazy? He is alone.’

→An elephant, who was running away from some hunters, came across his ant friend. In desperation, he asked him what he should do. The ant replied, ‘Don’t worry, my friend. Just hide behind me.’

just to refresh
Childhood memories

© amusu