

Comfort Zone
I have stepped out my comfort zone in small ways throughout the years. Tasting new foods, putting color in my hair, clothes, getting tattoos, etc. Recently, I decided to step out of it in a big way and I'm so glad I did. It took me finally believing in myself.  Once believing in myself, I took a leap of faith, invested in myself and went from there. My creativity just started flowing and I have gotten great feedback. So to those that are stuck in your comfort zone, step out of it and really start living. It will feel so refreshing, you will feel free and happier because so many doors will start opening. You will see what you are truly capable of, don't underestimate yourself. Watch your confidence grow and you become fearless. It starts with you, I know it will be scary, but you can do it. Just take the one step and put each one in front of the other and you will feel so good....

#comfortzone #fearless #strong #feelfree #happy #confidence #refreshing #believeinyourself #positive #selflove
© PeacockGem