

The Rude Master part (18)
Jongsir takes him up he tied his hands and drag him in room ,
min knows about this so he slowly follow jong sir he hides behind a pillar.
Then guy and jong sir enters guy 🔒 the door 🚪,Min:Oh man how can I save jk now he just 🔒 but wait what if he locked
how could he enter so he just followed him Min was about enter but he lached the door from inside .
jk:Why are you doing this to me what do you want stop troubling me please,
Jong :sh sh !it's our work ,He grabs jk's
hairs pull it hard jk shouts ah it pains ,
jong:Stop speaking let me do my work .
He removes his belt make jk to drink some kind of drink ,jk start to sweat a lot he
starts hitting him with hit with belt jk shouts
stop aaah stop pls he cries hard listening his voice min:Oh no they are hurting jk
I should save him how can I go oh no jk I'm coming,He tried to push hard the door but he couldn't there was underground way so he ran fast as he could nd went near jk .before going he called rm to come urgent from underground way .
Min:Stop jong sir ,Jong sir turned towards him how this idiot came here .
Min:You forgot abt underground way
Stop the nonsense set jk free .
Jk was seeing min with pale face and shouting at him min pls go back
please go back they will hurt you .
Min:No jk I cant leave you in this situation
min was speaking but he didn't know wt to
do he was waiting for rm .