

The Mountainside: Chapter 1
The fire burned brightly as four teenagers huddled around it. There was Marco, Andrew, Camille, and Priscilla. Andrew, a dark haired youth with feathered hair, poked into the fire with a stick. Priscilla stared blankly into the flames. The kids have endured an arduous trek up the mountain just outside of town as a last hurrah before they each go their own way for college. Still, she was pissed at Marco for dragging them all the way up this green inferno. Marco didn't even like hiking!

It was Camille who broke the awkward silence. She was the sole outsider in this gathering, really. She wasn't exactly the friendly type but upon Priscilla's insistence, she came along for the trip. They've shared the same classes since pre-school but aren't really that close. Priscilla spent most of her time garnering the awe of her peers while Camille was happy just to get by.

"Marco," she said. "Got any stories for us?"

He cocked his head slightly to the side and gave Camille a confused...