

One Wish
Part 2

That was the last time I remember before this happened.

I don't mind being trap in my locket. it's peaceful and I don't have to be perfect for anybody just to have accept me.

I've lost count on how many days I was trapped in this locket.

I thought I need to wait for centuries to be freed.

"A locket? I didn't know there was a locket in this area?"

A voice? it sound like a teenage boy.

I put my hands on a black wall and rest my head on it. Thinking of the things I shouldn't.

"I'll take it home, must be rich to find this kind of locket"

Take home? Is this boy serious?

"Hey Lucas! Hurry take the ball man."

"Okay okay geez you Ash"

Ash? I loath to hear that name.


This boy really indeed take me to his home.

"Oops you buddy, you can't eat that. It's the treasure I find in the forest".

Guess he...