

- The Butterfly that was beautiful inside -
- The Butterfly that was beautiful inside -

Once upon a time there was a butterfly who spent her days flitting from flower to flower in a beautiful garden. One day, the butterfly encountered a caterpillar and made fun of it for being ugly and crawling on the ground. The caterpillar, saddened by the teasing, said to the butterfly: "Someday I will be as beautiful as you."

Time passed, and the caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly too. But on her way, she met the butterfly that used to make fun of her. The beautiful butterfly, now aged and withered, regretted her past words and asked the caterpillar for forgiveness for her previous behavior.

The moral of this story is that true beauty comes from within and we should not judge others by their appearance. Furthermore, we must be kind and respectful to everyone, because time can change people's circumstances and appearance, but their true value lies in their heart and kindness.

Dragonfly 🦋
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