

Under the Camarines Sky: Beeper
“Sometimes, the most unexpected connections are found in the simplest of places, like an old beeper carrying the voices of two souls destined to meet.”
~ Zoë Kaià

The next morning was a blur for Maria. Her mind was clouded with questions, and the only thing she could think of was Carlo.

Was he even real? I need to know the answer!

Suddenly, the beeper went off. “Miss, pssst!” came Carlo’s persistent voice, calling nonstop until Maria, frustrated by the noise, picked it up.

“Hi, Miss. Good thing you answered my call again!” Carlo’s excitement was evident, his voice practically buzzing through the speaker.

“What do you want?” Maria snapped, her patience wearing thin—today was just not the day, especially with her period making everything feel ten times worse.

“Let’s get to know each other, Maria,” Carlo said, his tone hopeful.

“No, I don’t want to,” Maria responded, her voice rising.

“But, Maria—” Carlo began, but the only reply was the sound of a loud slam.

“No, goodbye.” Maria ended the conversation, dropping the beeper onto the table.

She sat down, trying to collect her thoughts, her pen scratching against paper as she began writing again, her thoughts swirling back to Carlo.

“What if two souls connect through an old phone?” she wrote, tapping her pen thoughtfully against her lips.

The next day, the beeper rang again. “Hi, hi, Miss! Yoohoo!” Carlo’s voice boomed with relentless energy.

“This guy is so persistent,” Maria muttered to herself, unable to hold back a small smile. She picked up the beeper.

“Yes, what do you want?” she asked, her voice now calmer.

“Can we be friends, Maria?” Carlo’s question hung in the air for a moment.

“Yeah, yeah, why not?” Maria replied with a sigh, giving in.

“Really?” Carlo’s joy was palpable.

“Can I take it back?” Maria retorted, a smirk tugging at her lips.

Days passed, and before they knew it, their conversations became longer, their words flowing as naturally as water in a stream. They spoke like there was no tomorrow, sharing small moments that slowly bridged the distance between them.

“What do you do in life, Carlo?” Maria asked one day, her pen dancing across her notepad as she spoke.

“I’m an appliance technician,” Carlo replied. “I repaired this beeper, actually. I thought it was just a piece of junk, but turns out, it had some magic left in it,” he added, a hint of pride in his voice.

“Oh, I see,” Maria murmured, smiling softly. She liked the idea of something broken becoming useful again.

“What about you? What do you do in life?” Carlo asked.

“I’m a screenwriter,” Maria replied. “I write for movies, mostly.” She didn’t add that she often found herself staring at blank pages these days, unsure of what to write until he came along.

And just like that, through static-filled messages and late-night exchanges, the two became inseparable, connected by their beepers as if by some invisible thread.

One evening, Carlo’s voice came through, soft but filled with hope. “Let’s meet, Maria.”

The line went silent, each waiting for the other to speak, the weight of his words lingering.

To Be Continued…


© SparklesZoe ✨️