

The bad day
Picking up the pieces of a broken coffee mug, which he dropped accidentally, when he was told to make a presentation which he never had an idea about in half an hour, he got stressed and have almost given up ; He threw the pieces in the bin and went back to his desk , he realized that one of the document in the file was missing, He panicked more and started searching for it everywhere,
He opened a drawer of his desk and pulled the old files and ended up getting nothing but creating a mess on the desk, One of his colleagues came to help, But he jumbled up the files and just had to regret, Now he went to the conference room in search of the document, Where he slipped on the water , which was splashed by him , as he hitted himself to a bucket , which was kept near the chair by a cleaner who was mopping the floor there; Now his clothes were dirty and wet , while getting up he saw the watch and realized that he had very less time left,
He ran to his desk and picked up his laptop, and went to the cabin where his boss asked, " Ready with the presentation? " He realized that he forgot to make it , as he was busy searching the document.
He came out of the cabin after having a heavy warning by the boss, And went to the canteen and the worker there came to him and gave him the document and said that he left them on the canteen table in the morning.

" This shows that we all get stressed about little things and finally our stress leads to our failures in the end."
© Neha Jadhav