

A Walk Of Sacrifice.
Gopal, Shiv had just returned to Delhi after a successful meeting in Mumbai and were happy as they had got the much wanted contract for their company. The moment they landed at the Delhi airport they were anxious, worried seeing a voice message received by Gopal from an unknown number. He pressed it and a soothing song started playing. Gopal closed his eyes and began listening as feeling the rhythm. The tune was of a piano, the song was half finished when the phone landed on the ground with a thud. Shiv a well-formed successful businessman with manly muscles bent down immediately, picked up the phone with a slight scratch on screen and handed it over in Gopal’s hands without removing his gaze from the man with paunch and a serious expression on his face. He didn’t turned his stare off the from the piteous grey eyes of his father. “What’s the matter dad?” Shiv asked while Gopal’s eyes were filled with fright and concern. He, then stuttered “she…she’s…dying…she’s dying son save her. Her life is in danger.” Were the words that came from Gopal. Shiv was awestruck by his reply. He wondered who died? Whose life is in danger? Who he had to save?
“About whom are you talking dad?”
“I don’t know son. A hunky man attacking an young lady in a meadow. I believe this incident is either happened or is going to happen. You need to save the innocent girl.”
“B…but I can’t understand you father. How did you just sensed the music?”
“There’s a long story Shiv. Come let’s sit inside the cafeteria, it’s a bit crowded here.”
They went into the cafeteria and found a place next to the window. Shiv was eagerly waiting for the explanation.
“I have synesthesia. It is a phenomenon in which the victim can visualize things or experiences related to the song he hears, it doesn’t matter whether he has heard the song before or not he eventually ends up with memories or incidents. It’s a very rare disease.”
“So you mean you visualized the murder of a girl by a man? But father how can you tell whether it’s true or not, when you weren’t present at the scene itself how can you witness it with such confidence?” Shiv asked as he was not able to believe or understand what Gopal was trying to say.
“Whatever I visualize is all true…the victim can never witness any fantasy or something that’s not at all occurred or going to occur.”
They discussed about this for while and decided to go to the crime spot where murder took place or going to take place. They soon reached an abandoned place with tall leafy greenery surrounding. Before going too deep Shiv insisted Gopal to stay at the perimeter and there and then inform him if he spots something suspicious while shiv went into the deep woods to search for clues to lead him to the murderer. Going deep inside he saw a forbidden cottage. Without giving a second thought he went inside the cottage. He found a wooden chair and a long rope loosely falling down. He instantly guessed that someone was kidnapped and tied here. Then he heard female voices soliciting for help. He followed the screeching sounds and little did he know that he went deep into the jungle. There he saw a minor aged girl begging for assistance. Shiv taking a brave step defeated the kidnapper and took the him along with girl where Gopal was standing. The criminal saw Gopal and started laughing his lungs out. The maniacal laughter made Shiv very angry. Shiv said “You are very strong. After committing such a horrible misdeed you still have the guts to laugh. Now tell me the reason why are you laughing.”
The criminal replied “He’s the one who should be getting punished.” Pointing towards Gopal. He then continued “My sister was perfect for the job. She even applied for the job. She appointed for the interview with Gopal. But because of her poverty Gopal rejected her. Years and years of hardwork came out be nothing but a failure only because our father didn’t made much money. This rejection defamed my sister as well as our whole family. Our landlord threw us out of the house which mentally affected my father and caused his death eventually leading to mother’s poor health. Soon after my mother died my sister committed suicide blaming herself for the loss we achieved. From that day onwards all I have for Mr.Gopal is hatred, a heart full of hatred. Now this girl was getting the job for which my sister was rejected. How could I have left her the job that was deserved by my sister she ranked no.1 in India, she was very brilliant and determined but still didn’t got and ended up doing something regretful. Gopal should be sent behind the bars for ruining a family’s fame and playing with lives. I knew Gopal’s disorder of synesthesia after seeing his reaction when a client’s phone rang. So I took advantage and would have killed this girl and Gopal both if you weren’t coming along, Shiv. You ruined my whole plan.” He ended. Shiv was traumatized. Out of curiousness he ended up yelling at his own father ”How could you dad! How could you do such a disgusting offence! You were the only man I found to be flawless. But not now onwards, you revealed you true colours finally. I am even ashamed to call you as my father. I guess you should also go behind the bars as you inherit those criminals there. ”
While returning with girl, Shiv asked the girl ”Are you fine? I hope that fellow didn’t did anything wrong to you, ishita.” While asking Ishita noticed Shiv’s blue hue eyes full of concern gazing at her, seeking for answer. “Ah! Not to worry. I am fine. Actually I should be the one asking you this as your dad ”
“No no he got what he deserved.” Shiv said answering her incomplete question
Then Ishita realized and uttered the words” By the way, how did you knew my name? I doubt whether I have seen you before.” Shiv chuckled and then confessed. ” Maybe you should have lent me your seat next to you on which you had kept you bagpack. Then we could happen to have a nice intro back in Mumbai.” Ishita’s cheeks became red out of awkwardness and the stupidity she had done to her to-be-boss as there was not chance she would be missing the job, afterall. Then Shiv said consoling Ishita that made her to be in the right hands “Don’t worry it’s the end of menance. The deadend. Though I had to walk like this. I had to walk the walk of sacrifice.”

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