

Down with Daniel Part 2
"Ouch! That looks painful," Daniel said as he examined the red hand print on Petes face. He couldn't believe it when he'd heard what happened.

"Yeah, it hurt alright."

"So what's happening with Mr Banks?"

They were stood outside in the grounds of the school. Pete nodded his head towards the Head Masters office. "He's in there. I reckon he's for the chop." He pointed to a police car parked nearby. "He's in serious trouble!"

"Without doubt. He's definitely going to get fired for that," Daniel said.

It was the end of the school day and they were waiting for Jack to join them before they walked on their way to their homes together.

It wasn't long before they saw Jack heading their way. He was running over to them in a hurry. "I heard what happened. Are you ok, Pete?"

"I'm ok."

Jack saw the mark on Pete's face and cringed. "Bloody Hell that looks bad!"

"It's fine."

Just then the Head Masters office door banged open and Mr Banks stormed out. He saw them all standing there and glared at them. The look on his face was one of pure hate and it terrified them. Mr Banks then headed to his car, ripped the door open, jumped in and slammed it shut after him. In his haste it took a few attempts to get his car started. They all watched as he got more and more frustrated. Daniel couldn't lip read but he was certain Mr Banks was shouting obscenities while he wrestled with the keys in the ignition. Finally the enigine burst into life. Mr Banks reversed out of the parking space, sped around a turning towards the school exit, the tires screeching, then the car hurtled out the school gates at a dangerous speed.

"I don't think he was happy," said Pete.

"You deserve an A plus for that brilliant observation!"

"Ha ha. Let's go home."

"Good idea," said Daniel. It had been a hell of a day.

Thirty minutes later they arrived outside Daniel's house and stopped dead.

"Isn't that Mr Banks car in your driveway?" Jack asked.

"Yes it is," Daniel replied with tension in his voice.

"Why would he be here?" Pete asked.

"No time to explain. Jack call the police. Pete come with me."

Pete raised himself to his full height. "Let's get this son of a bitch!"

Pete followed Daniel round to the back door. Daniel put the key into the lock. He turned to Pete and pressed his finger to his own lips to signal to him to be quiet. He turned the key, twisted the door handle and opened it as quietly as possible. It lead into the kitchen. They crept in. They heard voices coming from the lounge next door. They stepped into the tiny lobby that connected to the kitchen, the lounge and the dining room. Daniel peeked into the lounge, Pete standing at the ready behind him.

Daniel saw his parents sat in wooden chairs opposite each other. Their legs were held in place against the chair legs with handcuffs. Their arms were cuffed behind the backs of the chairs. Mr Banks was pacing in front of them holding a knife. Daniel gripped the door frame tightly to hold himself back. He was terrified for his parents but rushing in would only get him killed. It took all his effort to restrain himself.

Meanwhile Jack was getting nowhere with the police. He hung up in despair. He went round the back of the house and crept inside. He walked up behind Pete and put his hand on his shoulder. Pete jumped but managed to stay quiet. He turned around staring at Jack with wide eyes and mouthed: "What the fuck, Jack!"

"Sorry," Jack whispered. He held up his phone. "They're saying it's not a police matter."

"It bloody well is! He's got a knife, Jack!"

Now Jacks eyes opened wide. "I'll call them back." Jack headed outside again as quickly and as quietly as he could.

Mr Banks started talking as Daniel continued to watch.

"I've been planning this for years. Planning the day I would exact my revenge for your betrayal!"

"It was fifteen years ago!" Daniel's father yelled.

"Fifteen years of torment because of what you two did to me!" Mr Banks yelled back emotion choking his words.

"We fell in love," Daniel's mum said.

"I loved you! I loved you more than anyone could! I still do!" Mr Banks was stood next to her now stroking her hair. She looked deeply uncomfortable. Daniel couldn't bear this.

"I don't love you anymore. I'm not sure I ever did."

Mr Banks recoiled away from her, yelling: "Lies! You're telling lies! Of course you still love me!" Mr Banks pointed at Mr Oliver. "He's got inside your head and confused you. That's what's happened! Believe me you'll love me again when he's not around."

Mr Banks stepped towards Mr Oliver menacingly brandishing the knife.
Daniel had begun sneaking up behind him. He grabbed Mr Banks knife arm by the wrist and with all his strength he gave him a huge Chinese burn. Mr Banks screamed and dropped the knife. Peter ran into the room and picked up the knife holding it before Mr Banks. Daniel who still had hold of Mr Banks arm grabbed his other one and pinned them both behind his back.

Peter smiled. "I believe I owe you something," with that Pete drew back his hand and smacked Mr Banks as hard as he could across the face. Mr Banks went beserk. His face went bright red, his veins pulsating in his forehead. He roared like a monster. His attempts to escape Daniels grip lifted him clear off the ground as he tried to shake him off. He was like a man possessed. Peter stood back in fear. Finally Mr Banks threw his head back connecting with Daniels nose. Daniel was thrown clear, blood gushing from his nostrils as he landed in a heap on the floor. Tears filled his eyes and he could not help but sob as he desperately looked up towards his parents. They looked back down at him. His mum was crying, his father trying hopelessly to break out of the cuffs.

Now free, Mr Banks lunged at Peter, grabbing the hand that held the knife. They wrestled with each other as Mr Banks tried to prise open Petes fingers. Peter cried out in agony as one of his fingers was pulled back. He couldn't take it any longer and he let go. Mr Banks had the knife again and smiled cruely. "You thought that hurt!" he raised the knife above his head aiming the blade towards Petes chest. His arm began moving downwards. Prongs struck Mr Banks in the stomach and he jolted uncontrollably, squealing like a pig. The electrical current stopped and he fell over backwards. Two policemen rushed over, picking him up and cuffing him. A third policeman, returning his taser to his belt, came and helped Daniel to his feet. They uncuffed Daniels parents who hugged him so hard he could barely breathe.

The policeman spoke up. "What you kids did was extremely stupid and dangerous! It was also incredibly brave! I can't help but be impressed. But next time let us do our job!"

"Yes sir," Daniel said. He was in pain and he felt sick. Things had been so close to going horribly, horribly wrong that he was still trying to recover.

"I suggest you all go to the hospital to get checked out. We'll come and see you tomorrow for statements."

"You know Daniel wants to be a policeman," Pete announced.

Daniel sighed. He wasn't so sure about that anymore. He'd had a bitter taste of reality and he didn't like it.

The policeman looked at him. "You've had a rough time haven't you?"

Daniel nodded.

"Don't let this incident put you off. In the force you'll get training and you'll have more backup." The policeman gave Daniel a card with his details on.

"Here. If you're still interested in joining once you've finished school, contact me. I'll put in a good word for you."

"Wow! Thank you," Daniel said.

"No, problem," he smiled and left.

"That's amazing, Daniel! You've got your foot in the door already!" Pete said.

"Maybe. It will still take a lot of work. After today I'm not so sure about things. I've got a lot of thinking to do and a big decision to make."


© Andrew J Sinclair