

Part 4
Chapter 18

'Are you okay?' I asked Mei as we drove past Shinjiku Station. She turned and looked at me with terror in her eyes.
'I'm fi—', her words were cut off when she suddenly vomited on the car floor.
'You don't look fine'. She looked at me, laid her head back on the car seat, 'I'm fine, just drive'. I wouldn't blame her if she wasn't, seeing the people who raised you for so long, slaughtered and their remains scattered all over the house is not something a normal person would take in without any psychological trauma. Even so, that encounter was strange. The Hofuru No Yoru are mercenaries mainly specializing in espionage against organizations outside Japan. They have never been an organization that kills the innocent or even take a job against the AOA. Yet I don't find it surprising, if Chizuro has them under his payroll, he might as well have the other organizations on his side and if that's the case, then things will be tougher, a lot tougher. I parked the car a few meters away from my apartment building. We got out and walked. I held Mei's hand as we entered, took the elevator and got to my door. As I unlocked the door, it swung open, I sneaked in pulling Mei behind me. The lights were off and the moonlight shone through the 100 square meter glass. I approached the fridge, opened it slowly then pulled out my sword. Mei and I approached the sofa in the living room, a beautiful, small woman with a pale complexion was sleeping there wearing nothing but my shirt.
'Aunty?' I whispered. She opened her black eyes and the moonlight bounced off them making them look blue.
'I was starting to think you were never coming', she said as she yawned and stretched herself arms. I jumped to hug her.
'Easy there kiddo, did you miss me that much?' She hugged me back. 'Oh, hello there Lady Misaki, sit down'. I stood up straight.
'Where were you?' I asked.
'Hiroshima, Chizuro kidnapped me but of course he made a big mistake by leaving his men alone with me.'
I sat down, 'Where is he?'
He said he's coming to you. Someone called him in regards to the information that you have Lady Misaki.'
'I only had Mei under my protection since last night and officially tonight. How could they have so much info so soon?'
'By they, I assume you were attacked?'
'Hofuru No Yoru. They were under Chizuro's command'.
'Hmm. Well then, it seems things are escalating. Is that why Lady Misaki is looking lost? Anyways we have to leave this place', she said as she stood up, 'they will be here anytime. Our mission is to protect Lady Misaki'.
'Can't we contact the AOA for help?'
'Not now. I have a feeling that something is off in my organization'.

Chapter 19

'Sir, they failed to acquire the girl,'
'Are they still alive?'
'Unfortunately not sir. The Child Reaper did not spare them'.
'Tis' unfortunate indeed. Well then, clean up and leave.'
'Yes sir.'
'It seems I will have to do this myself, these inferior beings just don't realise the importance of her capture', Chizuro said as he stood up from his chair. *Ring* 'Huh!?' Who could that be?'
'Your attitude will not be tolerated,' a dark ominous voice said over the line.
'I don't care, I'm kind of in a bad mood, Master.' Chizuro answered in a low, disrespectful tone.
'I'll get her. Just get off my back.' He dropped the line.
'Yes my lord!?' A cute young girl with round reading glasses, brown hair in pig tails, a black loose dress and black half gloves entered Chizuro's office. 'How may I be of assistance?'
'Get me my contact on the line and also some coffee.'
'Right away sir.'
Chizuro sat back down on the chair of Hakujo Marude, director of Hofuru No Yoru. His body had been laying on the floor —headless. Chizuro and his men had just massacred the entire Hofuru No Yoru organization leaving no one alive, as if to prove a point. 'Now then let's see what information you had Hakujo.' Chizuro punched in a few keys on the keyboard and a file popped up. The file contained information about an experimental drug developed by the AOA.
'How peculiar. They did such a thing?'
*Ring* 'Hey.'
'You wanted to speak?'
'Oh yeah. I didn't find the girl but I found some interesting stuff in the HNF's server.'
'What's that?'
'Ever heard of the 'Demon X' project?
'I suggest you focus on what I told you to do and stop playing around!' 
'Uh? He dropped the phone? How rude.
'My Lord.' Merylin entered the office, 'its time for us to leave. Our client for the evening is waiting.'
'Alrightie! Coffee can wait.' Chizuro got up, took his jacket and made his way outside. He signalled his men to clean up, then drove off into the moonlit night.

Chapter 20

Walking through the corridors of the AOA's main headquarters, Kuro seemed to have a lot on his mind. This place has so many secrets that if released to the public, they would put the world in turmoil and all the governing bodies of each major country would be no more. The AOA is not only an organization specializing in protecting Japan behind the scenes but it is also an organization that keeps tabs on all government endeavours, like politics, economy, military and trading. Each country answers to the Academy of Assassins —like obedient dogs.
Kuro opened the door to his suite. In it are the basic things you would find in a room of a rich bureaucrat, a king sized bed, paintings of the greatest warrior's in Japan's history,  a table with the finest wines and whiskies, a sofa made from top quality wood and cotton, a coffee table with documents containing information acquired on that day, a closet spanning from one side of the room to the other and scented candles that lit up the room bringing out the maroon colour on the wall making the room look like a ritual sanctuary. He took his coat off and put it on the bed, made his way towards the table with alcohol, took a glass, put in some ice, poured himself the Amrut Whisky made from the Indian distillery, then made his way to one of the walls. He put his hand on it, and a steel door revealed itself with multiple security checks in place, a retinal scan, finger print scan, hand print scan, voice recognition, DNA recognition and dental scan. Kuro went through all of them and succeeded —as usual. He had been doing this since he was fifteen years old. The steel door slid open and a secret room was revealed. In it were massive shelves containing all the information about the world, the room was as big as a stadium. The architects who designed this room made sure to keep it a secret, under Kuro's order. Candice Kamui, the director of the AOA and it's founder knew nothing of the room and its existence.
The AOA has a main data bank that is kept six hundred feet below the ground. All the information that is collected on a daily basis is by the AOA's server is sent directly to a massive computer core nicknamed The Watcher. It's information is digital and so accessing it would take time and there are security filters in place that not even the worlds greatest hackers could hope to break. These filters have not been introduced to the public nor the criminal underworld. "You can't destroy what you don't know" those were the words of Rashnid Govendor, the creator of The Watcher. He made sure to keep all the information that is collected, a secret. That was his vow, until he was tortured to reveal a way to access the information in the The Watcher without triggering any of the security filters in place —then killed. Kuro was responsible for his death, made it look like a routine check up on The Watcher gone terribly wrong. An electric shock from one of the cables that amputated his body.
He then claimed the information and made it physical. Put into files in a room unknown to the world, so he can access it at will.
He made his way down the stairs and reached the floor. He gazed upon the massive thirty two meter long shelves. He knew the room like the back of his hand and his athletic abilities allowed him to reach any part of the 9965 shelves —his world of information, his world of power.
'Look at me. A god among the living.' He said with a smirk as he threw his walking stick away and ran through the room, to his desired shelf.