

Identify the value of having Sense and Liberty.
Be thankful to Allah" Don't go after recognition the time is not hard instead the thing is time, itself has something tricky and people are cunning and it's also not about the thinking. Perhaps Allah SWT has granted you something that didn't need people to carry on while chanting your name, Allah SWT didn't only bestowed upon you the honour of experiencing this life, but how how you use the massive cluster of time to inspire. Inspiration is a very mediocre or comical word" According to where we are, if anybody amongst you is thinking. Dhruv Rathee is also young, how could I be like him. Don't let it turn into a jealousy, remember. If you want knowledge and knowledge of that kind what could deliver and inspire. So take your heart out to bring quality and that quality shall lead you to the mindset. There are individuals, youngsters and promising jems out there like Rathee. Don't get eager to be recognised only work on yourself because Allah has cherished his most precious creation, with everything only we get haunted by the viewpoint of the world or how people open our mind like the cap and you let them install the junk. Bring the difference and let the defective people will learn a lesson.