

A woman I admire- part 2
I got dressed-up that morning, though I'm not really sure why. I put on more make-up than necessary, wore my wine-purple blouse and black leather skirt. For luck, I put on my favorite heels and the earrings I got from my late mother.

I looked like I was going on a date, but I was just heading off to work. Determined to talk with Elinor and ask her for some tips once she came by for her latte.

This time, she did recognize me. "Little dove...!" she called me and I became nervous, just like the night of the party. "I had no idea you worked here." I was grateful she started the conversation, I'm not certainly I could have done it. My palms were sweating like crazy and my heart was beating in my ears. 

When I asked her if we could have a chat, she apologized. "I'm sorry dove, I don't have the time right now...

how about we chat it over at dinner? I've got a darling casserole that needs sharing." Me? eating at Ellie's house? I felt flustered just by the thought of it. But of course I said yes, this was the opportunity of a life time!

She asked if she should invite my fiance as well. I told her that there was no need, that he already had plans for the night. That was a lie. This was something I had to do in private, without him knowing. He'd come to ruin it otherwise. 

My fiance and I are what you call 'childhood sweethearts' we got together when we were fourteen and just stayed together. When he proposed I felt like I had to say yes. We'd been together for over a decade, refusing his proposal was like throwing all those years away. But I tended to be curious about other things.

Things that weren't... him.

Ellie's home was as great as I had imagined. A penthouse with ceilings and windows so high, it was like we were a part of the sky. Her interior was very modern, a 'less is more' kind of style. The colors she'd used were abstract, mostly red, white and black. I adored her kitchen the most. So big, so high-tech. I could spend days in it just baking whatever.

I looked at the photo's decorating the living room wall, a glass of delicious red wine in my hand. "No husband?" I asked, to which she scoffed quite amused "thank heavens no." She was right to respond in such a manner. How could I have imagined her with a man? "A wife... then?" From the look she gave me I could tell she made note of that remark.

She smiled and I dare say it was a flirtatious one. "Nope, no kids either. It's just me and my cat Mochi up here." I figured she had one, the pictures on the wall were mostly those of a majestically black, pointy eared feline. 

I met Mochi as Ellie was getting the casserole ready. His fur was black from head to toe, but one his nose was a single white dot. It was by far the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I always wanted a cat, I used to have one when I was a little girl. She was white with red stripes and her name was Tuna. My fiance was allergic though, so we never got one. It's been six years since he and I started living together and I've missed living with a cat almost every day.

I asked Elinor if she wanted children. Her answer was "I do, just want them with the right person" and her eyes rested in me as she said that. We shared that dream. I wanted a child, maybe two. A little girl with big green eyes, just like mine. 

© Liza.NvK