

in one small village name Seeniyapuram . This village is located in India , Tamil nadu , tirunelveli district .

One day in this village one new family came to survive in This village . Later 3 days they were dead . Till now police officers were enquiring about this incident . .


in Tirunelveli , Agri college :

Hello students I'm your new teacher to this college . Ok . Now let's learn about plants . All plants belong to one of two main groups, vascular plants and nonvascular plants. Vascular plants have special tissues, called xylem and phloem, that carry water and food throughout the plant. Vascular plants also have roots, stems, and leaves. Vascular plants include herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees. .

Students -- Mam what is your Name ?

Teacher -- Malar !

five minutes later ....

Aarav is the hero of this story . And Anjali is the heroine of this story .

Arjun , Ajay , Vikram and Bunny are friends of Hero . Rani and Trisha are friends of Heroine .

Aarav -- How to impress that girl !
Arjun -- I will impress that girl wait and see .

Vikram -- Go and get slap from that girl .

Arjun -- Wait and watch !

Arjun went near to that girl .

Arjun -- Hi I'm Arjun .
Trisha -- Hi I'm Trisha .

Arjun -- Nice name !
Trisha -- you too !

Arjun -- Let's go ride on Bike .
Trisha -- sorry I'm committed .
Arjun -- oh sorry wrong member .

Aarav and his friends are laughing at him .

Aarav -- see there !
Vikram -- wow ! Beautiful girl .
Aarav -- i will speak with her .
Ajay -- All the best .

Aarav went to speak with that girl .

Aarav -- Hi I'm Arav .
Anjali -- Hi I'm Anjali ! .

Anjali -- you don't know me !
Aarav -- No . Now only first time I sawn you .

Anjali -- Hey stupid . I'm your childhood friend .

Aarav -- Hey. 10 J Anjali .
Anjali -- yes ! .
Aarav -- Hey what a suprise !
Anjali -- ok . Let's go Bike ride .
Aarav -- sure ! .

Vikram -- All the best . . .

In Class :

Malar -- Students . One activity .
Trisha -- what activity !
Malar -- Go to cities and ask each and every person . Which is good Job ?

Vikram -- simple mam . We will ask ? . But we want 2 days leave .

Malar -- Take your own time .
Vikram -- Thank you mam .

In city :

Aarav -- Sir which is good Job ?
Uncle -- Doctor !

Aarav -- Mam which is good Job ?
Aunty -- pysicologist !
Aarav -- why ? Because more pysico's are there ! correct .

Aunty -- correct ! .

Aarav -- sir which is good Job ?
Sir -- Business !

Aarav -- why ?
Sir -- we wanto earn more money .
Aarav -- can i ask one more question .
Sir -- yah sure !

Aarav -- can you eat money ?
Sir -- what ? How is it possible . we eat food .

Aarav -- where that food came from ?
Sir -- chef !

Aarav -- shit Go !!!

in college :

Malar -- what is the result ?
Aarav -- Mam . Many of them forget about agriculture .

Malar -- yes . I know . we are future . We should increase agriculture more than factories . .

Anjali -- yes Mam .

Malar -- Tomorrow we are going to one village . 7 days trip . in that village we are going to learn about Agriculture virtually .

Aarav -- really ?
Malar -- yes !

Anjali -- Mam . Name of that village ?

Malar -- seeniyapuram !

Ajay -- What ?

Ajay get shocked .

in Break time :

Aarav -- this is 7 days trip .
Vikram -- yes . Tell your Love to her .
Aarav -- ok . in seeniyapuram I will tell .

Vikram -- Ok .

Ajay -- cancel the trip !
Aarav -- why ?
Ajay -- Because that is very dangerous village .

Aarav -- what ?
Vikram -- what happened ?

Ajay -- one day one family went to that village to survive . But their Bad luck they dead within 3 days .

Aarav -- really ?
Vikram -- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .

Aarav -- Ha Ha Ha . I think yesterday night you sawn one ghost filim . Ha .

Ajay -- No it is real story !
Vikram -- How did you know ?
Ajay -- I searched in Google .
Aarav -- what Google! 😆😆😆 .
Vikram -- Ha Ha Ha .

Ajay -- Beleave me !

Aarav -- Stupid . 😆😆😆 .

in class :

Malar -- 100 members from our college were accepted to go to seeniyapuram .

Anjali -- Mam how many buses .
Malar -- Ask to principal .
Anjali -- ok mam .

Night .

in Hostel :

Bunny -- Aarav tell the principal to cancel this trip .

Aarav -- shut and sleep ..

Morning 5 :00 Am .

In college :

Principal -- Students are you ready . Behave well in that Village and Learn something .

Students -- ok . Mam .

principal -- Bus has started go !

Anjali -- can we sit together in Bus .
Aarav -- yah sure !

Vikram -- Enjoy da ! 😁 .

In Bus :

Anjali sat on the Aarav's lap .

Vikram -- Enjoy ! Arjun look Aarav .
Arjun -- Dude Enjoy .

Aarav -- Shut !! .

Night 12 :00 pm .

we came to seeniyapuram .

Ajay -- Mam where we will satay .
Principal -- Boys in that house . Girls in this house .

Ajay -- ok . Mam .

in Room :

Ajay -- only for 3 days .
Arjun -- After 3 days .
Ajay -- No . Just 2 days . we will die .

in Girls Room :

Rani -- Trisha ! its too thirsty .
Trisha -- Go and drink water .
Rani -- you also come .
Trisha -- ok . come .

In Boys Room :

in Boys side two members were killed by the killer .

And their Body were floating at one river .

in Girls Room :

One man came and he killed Rani .

Trisha -- Rani where are you ?

Trisha shouted .

Trisha also killed by the killer .

Morning 9:00 Am .

Near River :

four members were killed by the killer . two Boys and two girls .

police -- I think Love failure case . So only they attempted suicide .

Anjali -- sir this is Murder .

Police -- oh ! you only killed them ?
Anjali -- sir mind your words .

Principal -- Anjali shut up your mouth .

Anjali -- Mam two girls are very good girls .

Principal -- shut up !

police -- Inform to their parents .
Principal -- ok . sir .

Anjali -- Mam .

principal -- Anjali Shut .

Anjali cried ....

Aarav -- Anjali don't cry .

Anjali huged Aarav .

in Boys Room :

Ajay -- I told in college . Like this it will happen .

Aarav started to think about ........

in village :

Aarav asked about this village to one shop keeper .

Aarav -- uncle tell about this village .
Shop keeper -- ok .

Before 3 years one new family came to visit this village . But their Bad luck they dead within 3 days .

Aarav -- uncle this is true . police didn't take any action ? .

Shop keeper -- No they written as Suicide . .

Aarav -- Bleady . Uncle before that incidence any incident happen like this ? .

Shop keeper -- No .

Aarav -- uncle who is head of this village .

Shop keeper -- Rayappan ! . Go straight for his house .

Aarav -- ok . uncle thanks .

in Rayappan House :

Aarav -- sir I'm Aarav from Agriculture college . Sir we need your help .

Rayappan -- what help ?

Aarav -- today night you wanto stay with us . please sir .

Rayappan -- Ok . Today night pooja is there . After that I will come .

Aarav -- ok . sir .

in Boys Room :

Principal -- Students today night . In this village pooja is there . Follow this village instructions .

Students -- ok . Mam .

in Agriculture fields :

Today, we will take you on a tour of agriculture facts worldwide:
Agriculture is the largest employer in the world. ...
India is the 2nd largest agricultural producer and 7th largest exporter of agricultural goods. ...
Farmers need to produce 70% more food than today to feed the world's growing population by 2050.

Night 10 :00 PM .

in Boys Room :

Principal -- Students don't come outside . Because one pooja going on .

Students -- ok . Mam . .

Aarav -- Killer's next target is Anjali .
Arjun -- What ?
Vikram -- what ?

Aarav -- yes . I wanto save her .
Arjun -- any help means call me .
Aarav -- ok . Bye .

Aarav went to Anjali's room .

in Anjali's Room :

Anjali -- save me !
Aarav -- don't cry . Nothing will happen .

Anjali -- ok . I will not cry .

In Principal Room :

Principal -- who are you ?

Killer killed Principal . .

Principal -- help me !

Killer cuted principal's head .

in Anjali's Room :

Killer knocked the Door .

Anjali started to shout .

Aarav -- Anjali don't shout .

Door has broken ...

Aarav -- who are you ?
Killer kicked Aarav . And he gon near to Anjali .

Aarav -- Show your face stupid .

Aarav kicked killer .

Anjali -- Help me !

Killer slapped Anjali . Aarav punched Killer .

Aarav -- who are you ? why you wanto kill us ? tell me .

Aarav slapped killer .

Aarav -- tell .


Aarav -- what ? .


DAY : 2

Morning 7:00 Am .

In Principal's Room :

Police -- Any problem for Principal .
Malar -- No !
Police -- she also attempted Suicide .

Aarav -- sir killer only killed her !
police -- Oh ! who is the killer ?
Aarav -- sir .....
police -- Go and do your work . we will do our work .

in Boys Room :

Vikram -- what happened ?
Aarav -- I sawn his face .
Vikram -- who ?
Aarav -- i sawn killer's face .
Arjun -- What he told .

Aarav -- he told RACE TO FACE . .

Anjali -- today night he will kill me .
Aarav -- No . Stay with me .
Anjali -- Aarav ! I Love you .
Aarav -- I Love you too . Anjali stay with me .

In Girls Room :

Malar -- Today night we will finish our trip and we will move to our college .

in Boys Room :

Anjali -- Malar mam told that " today night we will finish our trip and we will move to our college " . Mam told .

Aarav -- No . for 1 day we should stay here or he will kill us .Now only I informed to Malar Mam .

in Rayappan's House :

Aarav -- sir I informed you yesterday to stay with us .

Rayappan -- sorry yesterday pooja is there so only i didn't came . Today I will come . .

Aarav sawn one photo in Rayappan's house . in that photo killer's face was there .

Aarav -- sir who is this in this photo ?

Rayappan -- My grandfather's grandfather . He was dead before 100 years .

Aarav can't able to accept this . Suddenly Aarav ran towards Boys Room .

In Boys Room :

Aarav -- Anjali !

Anjali -- Aarav what happened ?

Aarav -- He is not a killer !
Anjali -- what ?
Aarav -- He is a ghost . He was dead before 100 years .

Anjali shocked .

Aarav -- Come let's go out of this village and call someone for help .

Anjali -- Yes . .

Aarav and Anjali ran towards the Exit of the Village ...

Night 10 :00 PM .

in Girls Room :

Ghost killed 18 girls .

in Malar's Room :

Ghost came to Malar's Room .
Ghost cuted Malar's left hand . And Malar was escaped .

in Boys Room :

Arjun -- Be alert that Killer will come . All of them don't sleap . Act like sleeping .

Vikram -- Where is Aarav ?
Arjun -- Hey where he is ?
Vikram -- may be Aarav is in Anjali's Room .

Arjun -- he is enjoying da !

Near Exit :

Now Anjali and Aarav locked at one Ghost house .

Anjali -- please help us !
Aarav -- Hey don't shout . Keep quite .

in Boys Room :

Arjun -- He came act like sleeping .

All the college students acted like sleeping . .

ghost came inside . Suddenly Arjun switched on the Light .

Suddenly he disappeared .

Arjun -- Where he is ?
Vikram -- switch off the Light !

Arjun switched off the Light the ghost came .

Arjun again switched on the Light ghost has disappeared .

Vikram -- Arjun he is not a killer he is a ghost .

Arjun -- Escape !!!!!!!! .

in Ghost House :

Anjali cried .

Aarav -- Anjali don't cry . Anyone will help us .

Anjali -- ok . Aarav . Aarav ! Do you like me ?

Aarav -- yes .

Anjali -- I Love you too . I wanto live with you .

Aarav -- me too .

Anjali -- Love at first sight ! .

in Boys Room :

Vikram -- Where is the ghost ....

DAY 3 ( the final Day )

MORNING 9 :00 AM .

in Ghost House :

Door Has been opened ..

Aarav -- Anjali come let's go !

in Boys Room :

Arjun -- He is not a killer he is a ghost .

Aarav -- I know before itself .
Vikram -- ok . What is our next plan .
Aarav -- Wait . Now i wanto go to Rayappan's house .

In Rayappan's House :

Rayappan -- what do you want ?
Aarav -- sir tell about your grandfather's grandfather .

Rayappan -- Ok . I will tell .

Before 100 years . Our India was under the British . That time Kumaran my Grandfather's grandfather . Kumaran was against the British . Kumaran killed one British officer . Any British officers can't able to enter inside the seeniyapuram . ..

British officers planed to enter Seeniyapuram as a guest . And they executed their plan also .

Kumaran Shocked . And Kumaran killed British officers . From that time any new peoples or new family came to village means he will kill them .

Rayappan -- Ok . Why are you asking this ?

Arav Laughed . ..

Aarav kidnapped Rayappan .

Rayappan -- Leave me ! .

NIGHT 10 :00 PM .

Malar Mam was Killed by the ghost .

in Boys Room :

Boys and Girls in the same room .

Aarav -- Any mysterious thing found means be safe and inform to me . Ok .

Girls -- Now the ghost will kill us ?

Aarav -- yes he will come .

in Top Block :

Half of the Boys and Girls in Top Block at the control of Arjun and Vikram .

Arjun -- Good climate know ?
Vikram -- shut up ! Now we are in trouble .

Door knocked ......

Arjun -- who are you ?

From a certain distance one dead body fall downed .

Vikram -- who are you .

Malar Mam's dead body .

Boys -- Malar Mam !

The Ghost cuted Arjun's head . And the Arjun was dead .

Students Raned to down stairs .

in Down Stairs :

Aarav -- Anjali go and sit !
Anjali -- it's ok .

Knock ! Knock ! Knock !

Anjali -- someone knocking the Door.
Aarav -- yes !

Knock ! Knock ! Knock !

Anjali -- Aarav don't go ! Please .
Aarav -- Wait . Let me go and check .

Aarav opened the Door . All the students from Top Block came down .

Aarav -- what happened ?

Vikram -- Arjun was killed by the ghost .

Aarav -- what ? .

Anjali -- Now what we can do ?
Aarav -- I have one and only plan .
Vikram -- what plan ?
Anjali -- what plan ? .

Before Aarav kidnapped Rayappan . Now Aarav threatening Ghost !

Aarav -- we are not a British ! Leave us outside or I will kill your Grandson .

Exit gate of the Village had opened .

Aarav got sound of opening the gate .

Aarav -- Students come let's go !

All the students went outside of village and Aarav released Rayappan .

After 3 days :

Vikram -- How do you got idea of kidnapping Rayappan .

Aarav -- Because that ghost love his grandson . So only .

written by

Indian writer

© Indian writer Darshan