

Dear Brother,

I witnessed those months that you're growing in our Mom's tummy. Right then I realized, I'm a big sister already. I earlier thought that I have to be matured enough,and so I can protect you. In little things, with my young age, I helped our Mom with work at home, so that nothing bad would happened to you inside her.

Day by day, I'm talking to you from the outside. I can feel you moving,and I'm so amazed! Then I also wonder, when will you come out so that we can play.

As day goes by, you are really alive! You are moving more active than the other months. I was so excited, I'm also imagining what your face will look like? Is it Mom's or Dad's? But whatever you look like, I knew deep inside, I already loved you. I used to figure everything out, I am thinking about the name I have to call you.

"Hey,it's me, your older sis, hope to see you soon, just stay in there still and be good. You have to be healthy, sissy loves you baby."

That words I used to repeat everyday,talking to Mom's tummy, sometimes, I'm pissing her off because I won't stop from loving my brother, even in that time that he's still inside.

The perfect day finally came, he will atlast come out! Finally, I can hold you, touch you, and cuddle you in my arms sweet little baby angel. :')

Then as time goes by, and years seemed to go fast, my baby brother is no longer a baby.

I pursue my studies far from them eventhough it cost me alot of sacrifices and hardships. I am always looking at the pictures that we're together since the first day that you're still a baby and I'm holding your hands. And that made me stronger and finished my studies to have a job, and this is all for them.

As years passed by, you're already 23 and I am 27 year old. But the bond between us doesn't change, it became sweeter than ever! As a big sister, I'm so proud that I witnessed how you grew up as a kind hearted and nice little boy. You never shouted at me whenever I'm teaching you things that you must do. You're always admitting that you're wrong whenever we argue. There were times of misunderstanding, but you never failed to fake an apology just to make things right for the both of us.

You always made me feel that my love for you, always comes back to me. You respect and treated me with care more than a boyfriend could ever give to his girl. You're not just my brother but also my very bestfriend who's always there whenever I need a shoulder to cry on. Someone who will hear my problems and never judged me.

I am not afraid to be far from you my dear brother. What I'm afraid the most is that, I will never see your face again. You can no longer give me that fist bump and high five we used to do. I can no longer tickle you in your neck and hug you with a single punch in your stomache. Noone will pinch me in my nose and tease me whenever I fart loudly. I can't see your priceless smile whenever I gave you money for your computer games. Lastly, I will never have the chance to say to you, how much I care and love you since the day that you were born.

Your Big Sis. © Eamnevuj23