

Elephant And The Rope

Once upon a time, there was a young elephant who was tied to a small rope in a field. The elephant was strong enough to break free from the rope, but it had never tried. The elephant had been tied to the rope for so long that it had forgotten that it was strong enough to break free.
One day, a wise old man came to the field. He saw the elephant tied to the rope and he asked the elephant why it didn't break free. The elephant said, "I don't know. I've never tried."
The wise old man said, "You are strong enough to break free from the rope. You just have to believe that you are strong enough."
The elephant thought about what the wise old man said. It realized that the wise old man was right. The elephant was strong enough to break free from the rope. The elephant took a deep breath and it broke free from the rope.
The elephant was so happy to be free. It ran around the field and trumpeted with joy. The elephant learned that it was stronger than it thought it was. The elephant also learned that it is important to believe in yourself.
Moral of the story: You are stronger than you think you are. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
© partho