

The root to my success :
Where is success from?

Success is not when one, wins or defeats someone else. Success is one of the greatest lessons in life, success not only teaches us discipline but time management and most important, appreciation.

My life is not one of the best stories to tell, and my story is still being written. I want to allow myself to become the best version of me.

In my life right now, I face many challenges and all I want is to overcome my challenges through hard work and discipline.

I owe it to myself to accomplish my goals and make myself proud. I've realised that it is pointless to invest such a valuable thing such as time into something or someone, that would only be depriving me from reaching my goals.

The wisest thing I could say to myself is, don't let the past blackmail your future, focus on the present and take a moment to enjoy life and become a person of good values and simplicity.

Every problem has a solution, so don't ever feel challenged by something you feel you cannot solve.

Just be positive and punctual, as much as others can hurt you or make you feel less than you are, just remember how much you have accomplished already.

You were born alone for a reason, so that you can learn lessons on your own and show yourself love before you can love anyone else.

With hard work and ambition, you can conquer anything. Work smarter not harder.

Dear reader : when reading this passage please read this as if you wrote this down for yourself and you are reading it to yourself, to motivate and encourage yourself, I tried my best to write this text to uplift anyone who needs some motivation and encouragement. Just take it one step at a time and please feel free to comment on this passage. Thank you for giving me your precious time, I hope you enjoy this text.

© QueenOH