

The voidless darkness inside a black hole in space, the in between zone in the middle with no escape yet some have been trapped since the beginning of existence itself, many monstrous beast and freaks fighting one another solely to survive long enough to escape, rumors say the last one alive gets to walk out and enter a dimension of their choice but I never believed such trivial nevertheless cannot stop thinking of escape.
The void is a place for the worst of abominations to exist, many beings slaughtered hundreds of dimensions, few I knew were sentenced to death early on so it's just me against everything here, there are no rules, maybe it's the best place after all kill or be killed, life or death, victory or defeat, honor or disgrace, these go hand in hand here.
Finally found an escape route I didn't hesitate pushing forward, won't deny I've gained so much being trapped here, question is where to go.

Lord Of Darkness
© joshmckinney20