

I have known people of steadfast nature, bend under the pressure of life. When things, we pile our hope on, let us down, it rattles us. We don't know how to get on. But the presence of the omnipresent, although debatable in itself for some, has for millenia kindled the fire of faith in the human soul when its totally dark out there.
Today I shall narrate another such story, which I heard in my school assembly, and which inspires me till date when I am in my lowest moods.
There were a few friends, who were travelling by a car, returning after a party one night. All of them were drunk, the driver too. One among them, was a bit sober. He advised that they should not drive while being drunk in such a way. But his friends, brain full of the wine's mists laughed away his cautions. They were young, spirited and willing to take the foolish risk undauntingly. When that friend found thw others would not heed his words, he prayed that may God be with them and help them reach home safely.
The other friends laughed at this. One of them remarked, "There's too little space here for all of us, let God sit behind with the empty wine bottles." So saying, they ridiculed the sober friend and laughing started on their way home.
As destiny might have it, the friends met with an accident on the road. While some of them survived with many injuries, most of them died on the spot. However, the onlookers and the rescuers were struck by the incongruity of a fact which they later remarked to the proper authorities- they were astonished to see, that while the front of the car was smashed and broken in a most hideous way, the back, where there were nothing but empty wine bottles, was untouched. More surprising was the fact that none of the bottles had a crack on them,let alone be broken.
Since I have said the full story, I will now let the reader surmise the cause of this miraculous happening. But one thing is for sure, sometime or other, miracles do occur.
© jb