

a long lost chapter of my forgotten novel damnation.
(the loss of niekos child)

"Nieko sprints through the wooded environment, grasping her young daughter, "Essence's" hand tightly as they desperately try to outrun the eagerly searching voices that pursue them. She leaps over fallen trees and bolts through thorn covered bushes. As they run, they hear the screams of a man say, "their over there!" Nieko slides to a stop, panting heavily as her daughter hugs her leg tightly, softly crying. She looks around, realizing shes run right into a dead end; surrounded by towering cliffs on all sides. She pants harder, panic setting in as she looks to essence. She lets out a fearful shrill as she looks up to Nieko. Nieko, turning to face behind her, seeing the slave trackers burst through the foliage, surrounding them immediately. Nieko grasps at essence protectively, letting out snarls and intimidating screams in a protective protest as they stair down the barrels of several guns. One of the guards steps forward and nieko lunges, side stepping with lightning speed just in time for the bullet to slice over her cheek and embeds into the rocky cliffs behind them. She immediately closes the distance pointing her fingers together and lunging her hand into the throat of the tracker, her nails piercing into the skin. As she grips his wind pipe she head butts him, breaking his nose and sending blood splattering all over her face and chest. As his head is thrown back his windpipe slides out of his neck and he falls to the floor gurgling desperately as he tries to breath through his blood. She turns aggressively and lunges at another tracker but is stopped by a loud (BANG!) and she stops, still staring into the eyes of her would be victim as an immense burning pain slowly spreads through her side. She takes a labored gasp and looks down seeing that her entire left side is now crimson red. She grabs her side to feel her fingers fall into a very deep gash carved into her side. She goes to take another step but immediately the pain overwhelms her and she screams falling to her knee. She painfully looks up to see her owner slowly walking towards her, a large smoking hand cannon gripped tightly in his hand as he lowers it from pointing at her; an insidious grin spread across his face. Once hes close enough he swings his knee into her jaw throwing her onto her back. He steps over her,kneeling down and speaking calmly, "you know what you are, 461? You're a liability. I lost 56 patients because of that little revolt you started." He suddenly and quickly wraps his hand around her throat, slowly griping tighter; his grin turning into hauntingly malicious snarl, his voice growing deeper and more serious, " you're a fucking broken cog." He aims his weapon at her leg and pulls the trigger a loud bang overwhelming her senses. A deafening ringing filling her ears, Shortly after, the pain hits her and she screams in agony. as he speaks he pulls the trigger between his words," you're a fucking (BANG) waist (BANG) of fucking flesh!" (BANG BANG BANG) she lies panting her legs and arms riddled in bullet holes, but now too weakened to even scream. Carnage takes a deep breath, speaking shakingly, "y-you made me lose my temper." He looks up to see essence cowering behind a bolder, whimpering as his gaze meets her eyes. Then he speaks as he stands, composing himself, not breaking his intentive gaze at her daughter. "You must be punished, number 461. You know Better than to keep a baby." Nieko suddenly gasps throwing her head to essence as he starts walking towards her, "carnage.. No! Not her please! He stops and throws his gun to nieko, firing another shot into her shoulder and screams, " SHUT UP YOU WHORE!!" and she screams as he slicks his hair back and turns back to essence now towering over her. Nieko pushes her torso up with her hands and looks to essence, "baby, its gonna be ok!" He kneels down infront of her, his void, expressionless face gazing deeply into her eyes, before he suddenly grips her arm lifting her off the ground and speaks darkly, oh i assure you little one, nothing will be ok." He turns and walks back to nieko, dragging essence bwhind him as she kicks and screams. he motions to a tracker to move on nieko. He runs to her and plants his boot on the back of her neck and aims his assault rifle at her head. carnage throws essence face down in the dirt, her face mere inches away from her mothers, and she speaks shakily in fear, "mommy....?" another tracker places his boot on her back as carnage circles them, softly rubbing his hand cannon. "Nieko. You are a great disappointment. I gave you all of my attention. I've had you on that table more than any other patient. I've allowed you to make groundbreaking advancements, and how do u repay me? 70 percent of My slaves are now dead. You convince them to rise up? Kill my guards? My researchers?" Nieko speaks through pained, hateful snarls, "your research? The fact that you dont see what's wrong with all of this proves your madness! kill me! Do whatever you want to me, just leave her alone! PLEASE!!" The tracker turns his rifle and stock whips her in the head, slamming it into the ground as she grunts, and carnage turns screaming at her, "you WILL be punished MY way!! How dare you tell me what to do!?" She realizes she cant do anything And tears flood her eyes, pouring down her cheeks as she tries to plead to carnage. "You're right im sorry please! PLEASE, JUST DON-" and suddenly.. A loud bang once again deafens her. The feeling of warm liquid blanketing her face. She stairs into the small crater filled with bone and gray matter, where essences head once laid. She lies in disbelief as the smell of gunpowder now fills and burns her nose.. She starts to pant as she realizes what just happened and lets out a heavy, deep, unimaginably pained wail. Tears streaming her face she looks to carnage as the bastard is smiling, Silently chuckling in self satisfaction. She stairs at him, Silently, as her face drains of color and emotion, she just goes limp and carnage speaks authoritatively, "take this disappointment back to the lab. I want her bleeding stopped, and i want her strapped up and ready for her next set." The guards nod as they pick her up by her arms, blood soaking the ground shes lifted from, never breaking her gaze from essences body.. As they start to drag her an ear shattering (FUM) suddenly explodes in the air, and a massive shock wave throws all of them several feet to the ground. nieko's mangled body flopping as she rolls into a tree then looks up to the sky. She sees an absolutely massive ship spanning the horizons of the planet as ash pours off of it like waterfalls. I hear the trackers speaking to carnage in a panic, "that's.. That's the shadow caster able!!! That means.. ..iidens here.." The other trackers speak up overlapping their conversations, "we- were all going to die!! What the fuck ate we going to do?? We cant escape that!!" I hear carnage speak as i stair up at able, spot lights now canvasing the entire half of the planet, "ok, ok. Burn the research facilities, were getting the fuck out of here!" One of the guards speaks cautiously, "what about Nieko sir?" Carnage speaks as she can tell hes looking at her. "Leave her. Iiden will do worse than any mortal can even think of." And then suddenly as she starts to hear them run, they're stopped in their tracks as several spot lights illuminate all of us. the heat from them warming her nearly lifeless body. Suddenly a loud deafening horn that violently rattles the earth beneath her vibrates the very air around them. And it was then that nieko first saw him. in a cloud of embers and ash, she sees iiden crow; Slowly emerging, Towering over nieko's mutilated body. as he gazes across the field to the men who did this to her. Then to the corpse of her daughter. Her vision slowly blacking out as he suddenly peers down at her. His deep purple bio-electronic eye glowing as he calmly speaks, his voice deep, unwavering and powerful, "what's this? Pain. In its truest, most potent form." He breaks his gaze from her, somehow this filling her even more with absolute despair as he speaks again, still effortlessly calm and collected, "i want their hearts." Then as her vision goes all black she sees him peer into her eyes as the sounds of hundreds of heavy, running footsteps approach and pass them. Then truly scarring screams fill the air; iiden calmly speaking once more, "this one. She Shows something.. Intriguing."
© deadlogicinc.