Dealing and coping with stress
Hey have you noticed that you have Emotionally become easily agitated, frustrated and moody or you are feeling overwhelmed, lonely, low selfesteem or having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind. Are you noticing any physical symptoms like... low energy, headaches, aches and pains, rapid heartbeat dry mouth and difficulty swallowing. Could you be having cognitive symptoms like.... constant worrying, racing thoughts Poor judgement or inability to focus. You could also be having behavioral symptoms like procrastinating and avoiding responsibilities nail biting or pacing. Well those that I listed are all symptoms of stress. Sometimes when you feel very stressed it can be hard to focus on one certain thing. But if you do a lot of practice it will help so that you don’t get to over whelmed. Some things that can cause stress is bad habits like thinking negative or yelling and screaming at family members. When you are over stressed your mind can start to wander and you may start to think or do things that is uncalled for. So before it gets to that point stop take a minute and notice how you are feeling. Then ask yourself why am I feeling this way? What is the cause? Try to...