

fúkd up but reality
outside of my jail cell window there I sit lonely and think of all the things I used to do and all the places that I could be but here I sit alone in my jail cell. I still look at the window and memories come flooding my mind I just have to remember that I'm just going to be left behind alone to die I'll buy myself nobody will remember I'll never even on my own house no children for my new husband no family just me these walls this shitty mattress and me. a lifetime seems like so far away but over these years time just seems as if it has slipped away I stopped counting days hours and minutes because I don't have a release date I think it would be harder if I did super easy just to sit here and do nothing at all just knowing that I'll die right here me and these four walls kind of makes it more easy at least I don't have her have to worry not having a roof over my head I guess I'm really lucky I even have a bed yeah I can sit and cry and bitch and moan about all the things I wish I had but that life was just not the life for me which really makes me sad not all of us are meant to live outside these walls truth is I think more of you should be in these walls than most of us should be has corrupted the corporate world can be the government politicians and everyone that falls and bows to them at their knees puppets sheep I'm not the criminal although you may think so it's your government your teachers all of them feeding you garbage polluting your mind your heart and your soul so I sit in my smile and I think to myself Jail really isn't that bad I think I might have more rights than most of you come to think of it I really do. it's a sick messed up world that we all had to live in I guess I'm the only one that actually got to Stick it to the Man he gives me everything for free or I guess maybe you do too feed me three times a day showers a home what can I say I guess I'll just keep laughing and thinking of all of you enjoying my time right here in prison thank you to all of you
© unlaced