

11 Days at HOSPITAL

25th Apri, 2024
The day I got admitted at one of the largest and renowned hospital of our state where Multi speciality doctors are available. I went hospital with one of my close friend named Uma. She was with me whole day and accompanied me to go after Doctor. She stood in a queue for me for almost an hour. Finally my turn arrived and where doctor told me to get admit. I was diagnosed with CBD(Common Bile Duct) Stone and Gallbladder stone after USG report.
I panicked a bit and got tears but didn't let to fall over my cheeks. May be because that was the first time I was getting admit at hospital.
After my admission many friends came to visit me which made me emotional. Ah! am a person who gets tears so easily.
I got admitted at Gastro and Liver ward for ERCP. Beside my bed there was one lady who was out of his mind. She was admitted there because of her liver damage due to over consumption of alcohol. She was bit lunatic may be because she was kept away from alcohol for long days. But after her recovery I find her very sweet and loving person. I had lots of conversation with her. She got discharged after her 4-5 days of stay. We were admitted on same day. I still miss her, wish i would have asked her for contact number.
During my stay, I went through so many ups and downs, sometimes I got mentally down. Almost for 7-8 days i used to cry atleast once a day under my blanket. I used to feel like I will die, I am never going to recover and bla bla. I Know this is rubbish but doctor had left me with no choice. I find him very arrogant. He runs Private Clinic and works at Government hospital as well. I wish Govt. doctors shouldn't be allowed to run private clinics like Govt. Teachers are not allowed to run Private tuitions. In a same way if Govt. Doctors are strictly banned from running private clinics then the condition of Govt. hospital would be far better.

One day, one old patient's party who was right to my bed asked Doctor about her patient's health. She politely asked Dr. whether her mother will be fine after Operation or not and asked for referral to out of state hospital. But suddenly Dr. replied with his angry tone and frowned face. He said "if you want refer then take her to different hospital, and after that if you bring her here then I won't be treating. Also carry min 10-15 lakh in your pocket."
Oh my goodness after hearing that i couldn't even tell him my problem. I stayed quiet and listened to him nodding to whatever he says.

During my tough days at hospital my friends came to visit me everyday to cheer me up. My best friend Kshitiz helped me a lot from every possible way. He used to come almost everyday. My close friends Misma and Bipana came to see me travelling long distance.

I stayed 11 days at hospital with my younger sister. To be honest there was no improvement in my health instead i loose 5kg living there. I was given Antibiotics and vitamin k.
I felt anxiety but didn't shared with anyone.
I wished for my Boyfriend to be with me during hospital days but he came on last day of my hospital. But then i am happy atleast he arrived. I was in need of tight/warm hug so that i could feel that 'yes I am safe'. Sadly that didn't happened.

On 6th May i got discharged from hospital without OT because of high thyroid harmone. But then that was the happiest day.

I am still under treatment but from Different hospital where Doctor as well as Nurses are very polite and knows to handle patient.

#Realstory #Saddestdays #knowingfriendship
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