

Can You Keep My Secret
Me and my friend took a trip to vegas and there was nothing but good vibes & after a long day of shopping we took our showers and now we sitting in bed watching tv & she told me it's something she's been holding in for so long and she is now ready to tell me so as im laying there shaking my leg because I don't know what she's about to say , she said for the past 6 years I've had a crush on somebody I ask who & she didn't say she went on to say my family will be mad if they found out who I like because they are against these kind of choices me still sitting here lost because my friend is talking in circles so I said just tell me and she said I'm scared because what if I tell you and everything change so I said how would something change if I don't know what it is so next thing I know she said the person I have a crush on is a girl so I looked at her and said what you are straight she said I thought I was to but the girl that I have a crush on is you i said WHAT this must be a prank or something she's like no not at all that's why I didn't want to say anything she continues to tell me how she feels what sucks the most is I didn't feel the same way I always seen her as just my friend so I told her how I felt and the look on her face let me know that what I said hurt her feelings now I feel bad she get's up & go in the bathroom I think she's crying so I knock on the door and i ask her if she is ok she said yeah I'll be out in a minute so she comes out the bathroom and we talked and she said CAN YOU KEEP MY SECRET my family is against girls who date other girls then it hit me that's why I never met her family now that I know my friend like me can we still be friends ..
© RainbowwGangg