

Those Cold Mornings
The morning was so cold and
I heard water dripping from the sink
in another place I got up I was scared
but it was nothing but a dream.
Come to find out it was more
the water had been left on at the old
place where I used to be an it flooded
the streets.
but the water stopped once the pipesstopped dripping water out making that noise. So I saw what was causing it
a man's dead body had hit the pipes
and once his body fell on the ground
it was no drip. screaming I ran and his wet body rolled down there stairs I was
running. And it landed on the porch.Then I run to a pay phone
and call police and they come and
a rest me but I say np I called you I didn't kill this man but I get darkening
away. then hours later someone bails
me out of jail who the real killer
and I walk the dark streets at night trying to get home.And go me
Then I came out of my body and I was
a ghost and he left my body cold laying on the ground for all to see what he had
done to latest victim. But some how I was not going that easy I was going to
do what I needed to do as a ghost
and get that man
So I haunt him day and night until
I disappeared and he died for killing me
So don't do unto others wrong because it may be done to you a great wrong on that man who did that to her in the first
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