

I'm perplexed,"how the hell did I get here"I thought. Suddenly, a large tv set appears right before my eyes, it's old, one of those that shows everything in black and white. It's battered and dusty, covered in webs. I move closer till I could see a reflection on its black screen, it's an image of a naked young boy, replicating my every action."he looks so much like me" I muttered in fear.
My confused brain then snaps back aright, I realize I'm the naked boy, it's my reflection. 'I'M NAKED', I screamed unconsciously, I start to panick and scream for help, this, I did to no appeal. I try to find a way out but everywhere is sealed. I walk down some stairs then I notice a basement, moving close, I hear voices, soft feminine voices speaking one after the other. Each taking turns to call out my name,"KELVIN, KELVIN,KELVIN", they said.
To be continued
#fear #confusion
© Tomiwa