

Jade was a girl of ten. She lived with her mother and her brother Michael. Her father had passed away when she was just 3 years old.They were very poor.Her mom made ends meet by working in other people's houses, but Jade and her brother could not go to school. One day, one of Jade's friends invited her to a picnic. Jade happily accepted the invitation.
On the following day, Jade packed up the things needed and went off to the picnic spot . Michael tagged along. Once they reached the picnic spot, they played various games. Then it was the time to eat. before eating, they went to the river to wash their hands. Near the river, they saw a little cottage. Jade wondered who lived in it. They went near it and knocked on its door. A little fairy opened the door. She was kind and invited them in. Slowly they started talking. When Jade told her about her troubles, the fairy told her not to worry. She said she would ask her a riddle. If she could answer it, she would give her gold enough for her needs. Jade agreed to the fairy.
The fairy told her the riddle " What is the most tastiest thing in the world? "and gave her a day to solve it.
When she returned home, she started solving the riddle. Jade, being a clever girl, quickly solved the riddle.
The next day, Jade and her brother went to the fairy and told her the answer- " hunger is the most tastiest thing in the world, because, when your stomach is full, even the greatest of feasts will tastse bad. But when you are hungry, even stale food will taste great." the fairy was satisfied with the answer and gave Jade a sack of gold coins.
Jade was very happy and thanked the fairy.
she and her brother and her brother went home. Her mom was very happy. They were never poor again.