

Lock of a Heart ❤ Chap: 9//
"Hold on one sec ill be back" Col said softly. He walked to the front door and knocked.. "What is he doing?" I thought. My mok answered!!! "Uh hello?" She said. "Hi I'm a friend of your daughter, we just went to Disney World.." Col said. This is so awkward... I never thought he would ever meet my mom. "Oh okay.. She's told me a lot about you.. Your.. Col, right?" My mom asked. Why... Why me out of all people!? Col walked over to his car and tapped the window. "Hey your mom wants you inside... she also invited me to dinner on Wednesday.. if thats alright?" He said. "Yeah thats alright." I said. I hopped out of the car and walked to the front door. When i looked up at Col... He seemed scared that he was going home.. "Are you alright?" I asked. What do i do... the least i can do is help him out... "Y-Yeah i'm okay.." He said with a stutter. "Hey you can spend the night here if you like... you can sleep in the guest bed room.." I said. "Uh.. r-really...!?" He said as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah... I just have to ask my mom first.. heh. anyway Monday is the dance so i advise you to get some rest.." I said. Its the least i could do after all the nice things he has done for me. "Okay." Col said with a smile. That same adorable smile... makes me always feel happy when he's around. I went to go ask my mom and she said "Yes." Of couse. >:) "Col you can come inside." I said. Col walked inside and sat in the guest room.. He seemed anxious. What if his Dad find out... "Hey Col.." I said. "Between you and me.. you stayed the night at one of your other friends house." I said as I winked. Col smiled and looked at his phone.. I went to my room and then i peeked into where he was staying. He tossed his phone over and he looked stressed. *sigh* I should check on him.. No.. i should leave him alone... "Hey are you okay?" I asked as leaned on the door. "Y-yeah..." Col said... I don't think he's alright.. I sat on the bed and said "You look troubled, tell me whats really going on.." I said in a worried voice. "Uh... fine ill tell you what is really going on..." He said as he looked like he was about to cry. I really want to know whats going on so i could help. "S-so my.. dad.. has been-" Col stuttered. I lifted my hand and held his hand.. "Its okay Col... You don't have to say it.."I said.. "I'll say it its fine... M-my dad h-has..... he has been abusing me..." Col said as he looked down at his legs. My face turned white. I was right this whole t-time... i leaned close to him and gave him a big hug. "I'm so sorry.. I should have known.." I cryed. I can feel the warm-ness he felt when i hugged him and the tears that have fallen from his eyes... "Its not your fault you didn't know.. I didn't tell you anyway." He said with tears. "I hate to see you cry Rena.." Col said. It's g-geting late... I should.. g-go-." I said, But Col stopped me. Col grabbed my hand softly. "Please don't go" He said. I looked at him and he looked anxious. "U-um... Okay.. where do I stay...?" I asked. "Um... the living room... theres two couches.." Col said. This was getting very awkward.. And hearing those words come out of his mouth when he said, Please don't go.. made me shiver. "Okay..." I said. We walked into the living room and layed down. All there was complete silence. I can still feel the dry tears on my face... Tears ran down my face thinking of the consequences of what will happen if his father finds out... And what will happen if Col finds out about my past... I finnally blacked out and it was morning. "Ehh..." Was last night all a dream.. I never thought I would get this close to Col.. he's been my crush since kindergarten.. How does he not know about my past- "Good morning I made us breakfast... I forgot to tell you... you slept longer... you slept an extra day heh.." Col said. "But heres breakfast!" He said with that adorable smile.

Note: Sorry I haven't posted in a while (season 1 final coming on chapter 12!)