

a movie....
*(chapter 2)

A movie...

" Are you almost ready to go dad" I asked, already annoyed and now dad's taking his sweet ass time. "Look like you bouts to be waitins" my twin said pushing her words out of her mouth around her left thumb. Man I was so sick of seeing her suck on her dirty ass hand..."Dad come on man you said that we had to be outta here by 9 o'clock it's closer to 10 than 9." I lightweight yelled down the hallway. It was actually 9:07 on the dot. So what I lied I'm just trying to get up out of here. Anxiety boilin hot beneath the surface of my 2 cool exterior nearly bout to boil over. At any rate I'd prefer not to be waiting on my dad as he kisses each of his wild birds on the beak and swears to all of them that he will return very soon. If we ever leave. He had about 10 more seconds and I was out the door and without him., " Hi baby whus up my love ,whut you got goin on.? Oh that's right you graduating today ok well here is your gift from me " my uncle 12s all too familiar voice called out from the front porch. I rushed to the porch and ran right into his arms he scooped me up and lifted me towards the sky I was able to touch the roof covering the front porch. Of course I shrieked and giggled. When he put me down and handed me 2500 dollars and keys to my new art studio I fuckin died .I had seen those men doin construction adding a room over the garage. ima pass out.. .. I think I just did.;? 5,4,3,2" Baby where's yo papa?" he asked. I said " In there still getting ready to go, we supposed to been gone I'm bout to leave him here I ain't gonna mis my 6 grade graduation.". Just then my daddy emerges. "Looking casket sharp big bro." 12 said to his big bro my dad. " Let's gooooo" I demanded. My dad said " wait a second I got you something babe" I was wondered what it was... I mean look at what my uncle 12 gave me. He pulled out a sort of flat long box I opened it up and I snatched the papers out and saw the purest white mink or rabbit waist length coat with a hood. I put it on right then and there.I sashayed to the car git behind the wheel started it up waited for my posse to mount up then we were off. Everyone knew I could drive is been doin it since I was 8 it that's a different chapter. During the class of 92 graduation from the 6th grade at my Elementary School I could not help but to be juiced. My family was looking fly and I was awarded 5 other awards and certificates I was wry much the over achiever. I did it so my momma would come back if I was never bad and did the best no if and or buts about it. After the lovely ceremony I was waiting in the lost and found that's where the bathroom was in the school auditorium. In walks my crush Marcus Allen and he walks directly to me cupped my butt and kissed me on the mouth and he used tounge the girl in front of me came out the restroom startled us and I shoved Marcus about 25 feet backwards and he fell flipped over and all the shit. What a day..."Did y'all see my fur coat looking right Hun?"I asked a group of my homegirls. They stopped chatting when I walked up like they was talkin about me or somethin... "A what y'all trippin on " I asked " Your momma died didn't you hear. Yes your dad's out front spazzin out he looking for you." this lil botch named Brittany said all too nonchalant for me. So I punched her hella hard in the stomach she dropped to the floor. My dad called out " Ni'Kisha come to your father love I need to talk to you."( skip ahead ) That shit was crazy no reason or explanation no funeral nothing just that she is dead. There went my need to susceed. (two weeks later) "Twin where have you been and why do you have blood all over your overalls, take that shit off put it in the washer get up in the shower. NOW." I didn't even bother asking her anymore questions wasn't any need to. Some where down the line it'll come up in conversation. 3 days later she was bein arrested for some ice cream truck driver bein beaten to death with a bat.I can't deal with this shit I got a test to take so I can skip a grade in school fuck.

Now 8th grade first day at school 15 minutes after arriving I get into a fight with a bitch named Deanna Soliaz. Whooped her ass too but I did it so violently they expelled me from that school district and all over the town. I gots to go all the way out to another town to go to school. No option to do otherwise...Uncle 12 will kill me, probably literally. I chuckled to myself. Well I'm up at 4am in the damn morning got to get twin ready for school by 5am then I got to be at the bus stop by 5:55 in order to get to my new school out of town. Shiiiiit.!!!.4 busses and 3 blocks uphill walking to reach my new school. If I walk fast I can get there as the first bell starts to ringing. As I approach trying to wipe sweat from my face I notice lots of movement and lights flashing to the left of the cafeteria. "Woah what are all them police doin here" I asked the spectators forming a crowd. A woman said " One of them babies in there done committed suicide. Poor child Lawd have mercy on her soul." A few onlookers had said "Amen" and one or two said " Yes Lawd, have mercy." WAIT WHAT THE FUCK DID THIS CRAZY NOTCH JUST SAY. I'm goin back home hell no. *(the end of chapter2)

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