

Shiva and Shakti
What is truth?what is the reality?.Truth is absolute and reality is unchangeable.Then is this body truth?Does this mind remain forever?Are those feelings of pain and pleasure permanent?All those answers are negative.So a question to all of us,in this impermanent universe why we are clinging to the permanence of our bodily existence.We know the truth inside,but we deny it.But who denies it?Answer will be mind.Then what mind is?At the time we are going to mind on things,mind arises.It gives you pain, sufferings and pleasure.It enslaves you and makes you a puppet.But you never try to come out of its trap.When you will analyse this mind,you come to know it.Its a very finer thing of grosser body.A subtle part of this physical body.And both body and mind are temporary.Then what is permanent?There are two things permanent ,energy and consciousness.If consciousness is shiva,then energy is shakti.If shiva is purusha ,then shakti is prakruti.If one is panchabhuta,then other is kundalini.And they dance in the music of cosmos.And this whole universe is their creation.All are their various forms.And blissful silence is the representation of their cosmic love.And this silence becomes wave.And this wave becomes sound.And the sound becomes music,which beats in every matters.... wheather it is living or nonliving😍.
© Punyasalila

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