

You Have No Grace
I could disappear,
I could go away,
maybe for just days,
maybe longer.
Would you remember my name?
Would you think about the
times in our favorite place?
What would you believe
happened to me?
Would you think I killed myself
or someone killed me?
Or was I just playing a sick game
in your mind?
Or was I trying to escape from
something that had no grace,
no self respect, no dignity.
Trying to escape immaturity,
a relationship that would never work.
But you couldn't take no for
an answer could you?
The truth I was going on a trip
for several months but I never
made it because of you.
You couldn't accept our fate,
we were done and set,
so when I turned to walk away,
you bashed in my head with a rock.
One hit and I was done as
you pushed me into the water,
never to be seen again because
this place was our special space
and no one knew about our rendezvous.
So your secret was safe but
still I say from the grave,
" Look at you, you have no grace,
still in love with a man you killed
who turned you away.
Look at you, where is your safe place now?"
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