

Strike On
Strike On for those actions which are poisonous to our society and culture!

Strike On to those customs who pull you back, Let's make it large by writing your thoughts too.
Let's it's a talk about then let's discuss about it!
Like on being a girl I really have some pull backs in my life, Like my parents don't allow me to travel through alone cause they have fear of that I'm a girl, Actually according to me they should change their point of view and say If someone seems you wrong then complaint about him or handle him in better way, but what they do put a restriction on me!
It's not just a one, like their are many reasons to strike on but it's us who are tolerating it and it's true that it's our fault let's strike on

Like when a female walk on lonely road there are people who say she has no fear of her feminity? How she can walk through? She must have something? May be she is a slut?
Guys stop she just walk through a lonely road she didn't did anything wrong.
Why females are restricted on visiting temples in menstruation, Did she is dirty? Did she did a crime? then why?
It's a boon that God given to her then how it's can be restricfied!

Write your own view after reading this and do put #StrikeOn to make it vast project!
And do mention me and every female you know!


© Agrawal