

Light Or Darkness. #1
A Story that involves light or darkness in some way.

The light and darkness she could no longer tell the difference of anymore. The light and darkness blended in too well making her days and nights gray. In her own mind every morning and every night was the same. Unsure of what was coming next the majority of the time brought about much anxiety. She often a saddened woman. Saddened of herself and saddened over her four year marriage, who they became and their instability in their livelihood, saddened that both her and her husband addicted to a hard drug substance. Him first. Then her.
Uncomfortable and unhappy, High and stagnant. Day in and Day out.
One evening she grew fed up with her husband and his nonchalantness. She voiced her displeasures verbally to her husband in the previous days. Such conversations always stated calmly but way more often than not her concerns and honesty would only lead to a literal and physical fight between them. She developed a mindset assuming this would be the outcome every time she voiced something over to him that she was displeased with so she became quiet and for a while just let the discomfort be what it was.
She started reading on psychology articles and took notes with paper and pen to go back and read for inspiration later. She did this and became intrigued with it instead of just sitting around. She both upset with her tolerance and her husband. One evening her last outburst to her husband would be full of rage. She sat on the bed writing inside their hotel room. Trying to take her mind off of their life. Her husband wanted the outside to go get high with friends. She didn’t desire to tag along and she didn’t want her husband to leave either.
“Stay with me" she voiced over to her husband so sweet and softly.
Her husband replies, “Nah, why don’t you stay and do your little writing.” Her husband turns his back towards her to walk out the door.
She yells at her husband, “That’s why our lives are jacked up now supposed to be husband of mines, its because your priorities are fucked up.” In this moment she forgot about all the physical fights that occurred between them.. In that moment she didn’t care.
Her husband slowly turns around and looks over at her with eyes so piercing it could’ve cut glass. She saw this within him.
“What the hell you just say to me?” her husband asked.
He fastly walks over to his wife, and she didn’t move or flinch. Her husband knocks over her pen and paper to the floor and then grabs her and knocks her onto the floor as well. Another physical alteration comes about before them AGAIN. She screams and cries literal tears asking him to stop and he ignores every plea and continues to strike her body with his fist and the palms of his hands. She would fight back but his strength outweighed hers. He ceases in his attacks after he realizes that she’s become tired of the fight.
I suppose other people next door to their hotel room overheard all the yelling and loud clanging of items and neighbors called the local police.
By the time her husband opens the front door and is greeted with the local police. The police officers take one look at her and one cop immediately pulls out his handcuffs and arrests her husband on the charges of domestic violence. It wasn’t her husband first time seeing police regarding his abusive behavior.
She completed a police statement and off the cops went with her husband in handcuffs in the back seat.
This time she would drop no charges.
What would she do now?
Which way would she go?
Towards the light, coming out of the dark tunnel she found herself living in. She had seem the light at the end of the tunnel where peace and stability was at she felt. However, for years she stayed with her husband, despite him not being ready to go with towards the light like she was.
The light that never, ever stopped being within her she acknowledged.
Where would it take her?
Her journey leaving darkness into the light began.

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