

Once there lived angle Angela who lived in a very big mansion with her parents Mr.andMrs.Collins.It was a very respected family,she was the only child of her parents and this made her get excessive love from her parents. Due to the too much love her parents had they decided that there child was to have her studies at home,it was cheap for them since they were well off.
Mr.Collins hired the best teachers to teach his child she always attended lessons like at school she was a very bright girl which empressed her parents.After 18years she completed her highschool.Here her teachers advised her father that he had to take to University because she had to learn how to interact with her agemates.
Angela had one friend in her life and he was a son of her maid. Derick and Angela were very good friends that they shared everything care,love, happiness, secrets and toys. After Angela's high school,she asked Derick to have a Walk with her outside the house. She only told her maid about where she was going. At around 7pm in the evening Derick came and picked her up via the behind door of there house.They had a very wonderful evening together, while on there way home Angela saw a bar and told Derick that"let's go inside I want to dance,don't you?" and they entered the bar. Angela started taking alcohol and she got drunk, Derick drove her home but she couldn't walk,he carried her to her bedroom. While he was leaving, Angela told him "please don't go, stay with me tonight", while on the bed, Angela asked "Do you love me",he answered yes. After questioning them selves, they had a very romantic night together.
When Angela woke up she couldn't remember anything but she wasn't feeling the same way as she used to but she didn't take it serious. Her parents told her about there decision of taking her to AtanticUniversity in California.She agreed to there suggestion because she didn't want to go against her parents. After one week all the preparations were made and she had to live but sadly on her departure, Derick was not there to escort her to the airport it was so hurting on her side but she had nothing to do.
After six years Angela came back home after graduating in business economics,her parents were happy but she wasn't happy because she. didn't want to study business but she did it for her parents. After two days Angela's father told her that he had got for her a man who she was going to get married to.She tried to tell her father that she loved someone else but he didn't listen. In the next morning the boy 's family came to fix the wedding day and to see there Future daughter. Angela was not happy with the proposal and decided to run away from home. This was because she was tired of her parents making for her decisions.

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