

"The Gruesome Package: Shruti's Day Off Turns into a Nightmare"
It was a rare day off for Shruti. She had been working tirelessly at the office for months, and finally, she had a chance to relax and enjoy some time to herself. She had planned to spend the day lounging on her couch, binge-watching her favorite shows and indulging in her favorite snacks. However, things took a sinister turn when she heard a knock on the door.

Shruti hesitated before answering the door, but the knocking persisted. She opened the door to find a tall, dark figure standing before her. His face was obscured by a hood, and he was holding a large package. Without saying a word, he handed the package to Shruti and disappeared into the shadows.

Shruti was hesitant to open the package, but her curiosity got the better of her. As she began to unwrap it, she noticed a strange, foul odor emanating from inside. Inside the package, she found a human heart, still beating, and a note that read, "I know what you did."

Shruti's heart raced as she tried to remember what she had done to deserve such a gruesome gift. But the more she thought, the more she realized that she had made some enemies at work. Could one of them be responsible for this horrifying message?

As the day progressed, Shruti became increasingly paranoid, fearing that someone was watching her every move. Every creak and sound made her jump, and she could not shake the feeling that she was being followed. As night fell, the knocks on her door returned, and this time they were accompanied by eerie whispers.

Shruti knew that she was in danger and that she had to act quickly if she wanted to survive the night. She called the police, but they arrived too late. She was found dead, with a note next to her that read, "I warned you."

From that day on, no one could explain the mysterious events that occurred on Shruti's day off, but some say that her ghost still haunts the halls of her old office building, seeking revenge on those who wronged her.

© Ayush Sengar