

The Odd And Bizzare Lion And Bunny Written by Brandon Earl Byrum

The Scene ganja haiku flowing with purple lights buzz pop knowing how from wild this is one strange step hey no ryhme like ninja but wise it busted and poof !!

The bunny went to the door it was the lion friend from long time back they sat and talked for hours on end
then BOOM!! A car Exploded down the road the two went out in a hurry
they ran down the road saw her in need. Thus both of them being male were atrracted to her beauty and dived in the blazing car and saved her. But how i know they were attracted to her is cause they both gave her flowers she said thanks and took the flowers and walked away. The lion yelled its all your fault and the bunny said No!! No!! No!! its all your fault you blocked head!!

Chapter two

walking up thier seprate lanes in thier separate houses they went to sleep morning came knock! knock! the bunny answered the door im sorry buddy old pal the lion said its alright with a smile on his face he knew they were friends and even family.

The End

© Brandon Earl Byrum