

My Addullam Journey
Episode 1

Welcome to my Adullam journey, a place where men are formed and refined. I didn't intentionally set out to find myself in Adullam, but it seems the Lord led me there, blind to my own expectations. I never wanted to end up in the cave of Adullam, but that's where my journey took me. Surprisingly, I found myself among women who were strong in prayer, women who were on fire for Christ. And then there were the men, consumed by the Holy Ghost, who saw prayer not as a chore, but as a passion.

As a girl who knew nothing about prayer, I found myself in the midst of this transformative experience. I'm excited to take you on this journey with me, sharing my experiences and the lessons I learned in Adullam. Buckle up, as we delve into the heart of prayer and the fire that cons #Episode

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