

Women Education-4
Going back again to her role as a mother, she is solely responsible for the health and well being of the family. She knows the importance of cleanliness and well balanced nutritious diet. She teaches the same to her children. So she produces children who are healthy and also conscious of their civic duties. She acts as a very good civic teacher. All the campaigns for following traffic rules, fighting diseases, hygiene etc. will be a waste if the woman of the family is uneducated and they will be not only very effective but sometimes even unnecessary if the woman of the family is educated.

All the discussion above goes on to prove that female education is very important. In fact, it should be the thrust area for our literacy drive. Man may get himself educated for purely economic reasons and being the sole bread earner in most of the cases, he doesn’t pay so much attention or is inspired as much for his children’s education as his educated wife would be. So by teaching women, we are in fact creating a torch bearer of change, a harbinger of literacy.

#Womenempowerment #girleducation