

In the cosmic dance of existence, where stars are born from the remnants of ancient supernovae, I, Asdzani Mychal, emerge from the shadows, shedding the cloak of Matthew. Hear the echoes of a once-shy trans child, now a blazing phoenix soaring through the celestial expanse.

Yá'át'ééh shí k'éí dóó shídiné'é,

Welcome, dear readers, to a celestial odyssey that intertwines reflections on life, nature, identity, and connection. As you embark on this cosmic journey, I invite you to embrace the boundless possibilities woven into the fabric of the universe.

This is not just a story; it's my scream against the silent nights, a rebellion against the confines of closets and the weight of identities imposed upon me. Matthew is no more, replaced by the fierce Asdzani Mychal, a name etched in the constellations, defying the norms in a dance of flames and stardust.

I stand as an asexual rebel, navigating the turbulent currents of love and self-discovery. My genes, sacred threads woven into the fabric of the universe, demand recognition. This journey is a scream against extinction, a declaration that my existence echoes beyond the confines of mortality.

Water, the essence of life, flows through our veins, connecting us in an intricate dance of existence. In the quiet moments between stars, I embrace the advancements of reproductive technology as a beacon of hope against the shadows of oblivion. No longer confined to infertility, I stand as a beacon of resilience, promising to give life to my husband's dreams of a family—a family that transcends borders, cultures, and prejudices.

Life's chaos and confusion may tempt us into feeling powerless, yet each small action creates a ripple that can transform the world. As a transsexual person, I've faced challenges, and in the fleeting moments of life, I've delved into the mysteries of existence, time, and reality. I ponder the existence of the soul and the realms beyond the physical.

So, join me in this cosmic rebellion, where my screams echo through the galaxies. A mother, a rebel, a guardian of sacred genes, weaving a narrative that defies earthly norms and embraces the cosmic tapestry of existence. May these words serve as a reminder of our interconnectedness, highlighting the transformative power of small acts of kindness and love. Together, we embark on a celestial journey, embracing love and light.

With love and cosmic radiance,
Asdzání Mychal Cohen
© ladymychal