

Am Not Alone

- A journey of toughness - marked with determination, she stood calm
On an declining plane, wondering how best to build up the heroes of tomorrow.

- In the bosom of mothers lays the joy of a child as the warmth love burns up the cold hands of pain and tears.

Filling me up with more and more love each moment i was encaved in the shadows of difficulties

- There we find that care and patients of a mothers love.

Memories never forgot the days we had nightmares only to wake into the comforting lullabies to damp me back into the world of sweet dreams.

Mornings started with kisses on the head backed by the question," how was your sleep?"

- Breakfast never seems a problem to the handiness of motherhood and so it has been to my Pretty and adoring lady

- A brave lady that has fought to conquer the tide of life and has paddled me save to the banks of the rapids.

The joy of today and the days of old are the memories of the great warriors
- that stands and fight for the little cause that in a long run can ruin the balance of nature.
The world revolves in the ways and rest in their hands for they are the odds from the strange but rewards to nature.