

REJECTION....what do you really understand by that?yeah i know so many definitions will be all right if we all look closely at them....rejection is when someone or even you make you or urself feel unwanted ,like you not good enough ,a failure and all ...but trust me when you are being rejected there is always a bigger and better opportunity coming your way.Sometimes rejection takes bad turn on us and sometimes it takes the better part of us,making us realise how good and better we can we can create and develope that mindset of greatness our own without seeing yourself of being rejected but as an opportunity to open up urself for a greater "YOU"finding a better enviroment where we can be accepted is never the issue but finding yourself in an environtment that even when reject you can still stand and defend yourself by creating and thinking of new ideas,mindset that will you and the people around you,sometimes rejection those not come from the people around us but it comes within us which at times triggers the people around us because of the fear,anxiety ,doubts and so many more that they see in us before we are rejected by them which i call "SELF REJECTION"now this is making yourself feel unwanted, not accepting who you are ,what you want ,not accepting your flaws and making urself to understand that you bound to make mistakes and taking responsibility of those mistakes makes you to be YOU.Often times we try so hard to impress others just so we wont be rejected forgetting our ownself,what we want ,our passion the purpose you been created for ,we find it so difficult to accepts ourselves just because you scared of what people will say this tot has killed more talents,dreams,goals and so ,many more.have you being rejected before?i would love to tell you this that is not about being rejected but is how you make use of that rejection that defines you is becoming a better and greater you that defines you,the road to success is not find in success but it is found in rejections,failure,mistakes,struggles and how you pull out of it creates that success in you.so many things cause rejection,the people around you,ur friends,relationship,circumstances,life,you and so many reasons ,i know you feel so bad and you feel like the ground should swallow you when reject but trust me if you can build that mindset of no i cant and i wont be rejected no matter the mistakes i make and develope urself then you are becoming the best of whatever you do,how you grow out of rejection is by accepting yourself first ur,flaws ,mistakes which i said earlier if you can do that every other becomes positive around you,hmmmmm rejection is never a stigma except you urself create that mindset that is a stigma but trust me rejection is not a stigma and it can never be and lastly rejection and discrimination have different effect if you decided to take discrimination for rejection then trust me you not close to healing now discrimination to my own personal understanding is making people one feel bad about who they are ,their gender,country ,religion and all but rejection is not making you or making someone not good enough that is what me i think.......to close my little write up i want you this five things at the back of your minds that
1.you will embrace your beauty ,weakness and strenght.
2.stand up for yourself
3.stragetize and think before you act.
4.reach and organize.
5.be real,be yourself and accept you for you.
if you can follow this then you will be on a self realization and development to fulfilling your dreams,goals and knowing your passion to fulfilling your purpose ,love youself and take charge of your life.

#tageve'squote & write ups