

The cursed
A long time ago there was an innocent woman working at the palace. She is accused by the sin of other people. Those people ruined her name in front of the King and Queen. They makes stories. Those people are in higher ranks. And the woman was in the lower ranks. They did that just to cover their sin. They don't treat her well. When they talked to her they don't believe. Because of her rank.

There was a duke helps her clean her name. But the King and Queen closed their ears. Case closed according to them. The woman didn't receive her wages for one month and other benefits. The woman was so depressed that time. She didn't get her justice.

Time flies and pains turns into memories.

The woman found a new palace. She shows her passion. Until the duke helps her to add more knowledge and skills. Which helps her grow. After one year the woman starts to build her new empire. She became the most powerful Queen. And she cursed those people who makes stories and who accused her. Their loved ones will suffer for unidentified illness. The only cure is they need to tell the truth and asks for forgiveness.

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