

Friend, aren't you tired? Masturbating to a perfect picture of your dream life, yea, imagination is endless, every moment of the day, we all have that quick ejaculation of where we are and where we want to be. Its hard to reconcile you self image with your self ideal, yea its like you are stuck in the mud, sinking and trying to look through a valley where life is complete. I know it ain't easy right, all your excuses are true! But then what's next? You just wanna end it there? Do you ever have a why? Like, I mean do you ever sit down to ask yourself, why am I hustling? Don't tell me that crap that you have got people to prove wrong, you see, that where the problems lie. You just wanna be at the top, you don't even have a "why" you want to be who you really want to be. I know so well that its hard here, every day I see it too, I won't tell you that I never marsturbated to my dreams, even right now as I tell you this, I am jacking off to the fancies of my perfect picture, sometimes I don't just wanna wake but then for every mistake you and I make, for every climb, fall and rise we attempt, our "why" holds the picture perfectly that even though we realize we are stuck in a mud, we always make attempt to see the reason why we must keep struggling till we live our dream. I will tell you the story of a butterfly. A man discovered the cocoon of a butterfly, one day a little opening appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for many hours as it struggled to squeeze its body through the small hole, it kept trying and soon stopped, like it couldn't go further. The man decided to help, he took a pair of scissors and cut open the left over bits of the cocoon, phew! The butterfly emerged easily but it had a bloated body and shriveled wings, the kind man continued to watch it, expecting it to fly but he realized all it did was crawl all its life. Poor butterfly, what the man in his kindness and haste didnt realize was that the small hole and the battle required by the butterfly to get through the hole was a way of forcing the fluid from the body into the wings so that it will be ready for flight once that is accomplished. Now think! Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. Going through life with no obstruction might cripple us and perhaps we might never be able to fly. Keep squeezing through, you will fly. But realize how many persons out there who wanna be where you and I are at this moment? Cheers to all still trying to get off the cocoon, toast to the many who are flying, the ones ready to fly and the ones we wish were here, find our footprints, we walk in same shoes, only with different sizes.