

An Open Letter To The People Who Feel Lost And Pressured In Life Now:
An open letter to the people who feel lost and pressured in life now:

I know that society’s expectations and definitions of what you should be—what success should look like, how happiness should feel, how you should present yourself—have been weighing you down more than you would ever admit. It feels like you’ve been carrying this weight for so long, always trying to prove yourself, to show everyone that you’re capable, that you belong, that you are enough in the eyes of others. You thought that proving yourself to others was the only way to feel that you belong. Well, I want you to know that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone. The expectations aren’t yours to carry, and the definitions society tries to impose on you don’t reflect who you are or what your worth is. The truth is, you are not your accomplishments, others’ opinions of you, or the image you think you should be seen. The inner peace you’ve been longing for will only come when you stop measuring your worth through the scale of society.

I know that there are lots of doors around you, and you don’t know what to open. There are so many people around you who seem to be moving forward, achieving their goals with ease, reaching milestones one by one. They make it look so easy, right? It feels like they have a map and a compass, while you’re stuck without anything while trying to figure out everything that changes with every step you take. That is causing you too much pressure. You might feel like you are lost amidst all the things that are going on around you, but knowing that if you keep going, you might be able to pave your path is enough reason to keep moving forward. It’s normal to be lost, but being lost should never stop you. Being lost doesn’t mean you’re stagnant; it means you’re learning, growing, and figuring things out at your own pace. You can be lost and still wander. You can be lost and still be a dreamer. You can be lost and eventually be found. Remember that you’re just finding your way, and that’s exactly where you need to be right now.

-Hamas Saqi
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