

What can you see?
Hi, it's your newbie again.
I'm attempting to describe this image to a blind man that became blind as a child.

I'm assuming this man (Adam) doesn't know what cigarettes, boxes and piano are.


"Adam, I'm looking at a cigarette box with piano keys inside instead of cigarette sticks.

" A cigarette stick is a small roll of paper filled with tobacco. People burn them for nicotine, a substance that can keep you coming for more.

"They are sold inside a small box you can hold in one hand, like a box of biscuits, only that they're made with paper.

" A piano is a device with sort of white and black buttons or keys that makes beautiful music when you press them

"Now Adam, what I'm looking at is an open cigarette box with piano keys inside instead of cigarette sticks.
And outside the box are written the words:
'Music is highly addictive'"

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