

Global warming part 4

Solution to Global Warming

There are solutions to stop Global Warming but what we need is to implement them. Government and public needs to take bold step regarding this otherwise our future is on the hot ball which we will call earth.

Firstly, we need to find renewable energy sources so that we can stop producing power from coal and other fossil fuels. We need to implement new technologies that are environmental friendly like the hydro-power, solar power, Tidal energy etc.

Other step is to reduce the carbon emissions from transportation sector. We need to introduce hybrid or electric cars so that we have little or no carbon emissions. Governments need to encourage people to use public transport for their daily jobs, less vehicles will carry more people.

To reduce methane emissions from the core of earth we need to focus on recycling. In this way the garbage that we burn to reduce its size will change into a new useable product. Also, the problems like the plastic bag will also solve. In recycling of material less energy is required than to produce it entirely new.

Most effective way is to grow more trees so that they can reduce the carbon ratio in the air. Governments should plant trees on the roadsides and also in the residential areas.

© Noman Ali