

Two Left Feet
Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.
It wasn't until I was sixteen when I realized that I wasn't born with two left feet, I was teased and bullied from first grade all the way to my entering high school. I always had to wear shoes if the same foot Armida my step mother told me she said when I was born I had two left feet and she had a hard time finding shoes that would fit, I should be thanking her for all the trouble she went through and not be so ungrateful. Armida had a very jealous way about her she wouldn't allow my dad to interfere with the way she dressed me cause he wasn't around enough to give his opinion. Daddy wasn't allowed to hug me or give me a good night kiss Armida said that was spoiling me and I wouldn't know how to be thankful of everyday needs.
Daddy did as he was told and on his way out the door as he was leaving for work he would wave goodbye when Armida wasn't looking we both giggled we knew that was our little secret. As the years passed my right foot began to hurt sharp pains would shoot up my leg one day at school the pain in my foot was unbearable so I went into the nurses office so she could take a look at my foot. She had me sit up on the chair, she slowly held my ankle and removed my shoe she looked at me and said Helen why are you wearing two shoes if the same foot? I said that when I was born I was born with two left feet the nurse smiled slightly and said who told you that? I replied Armida did and that I should be grateful for all the trouble she has to go through trying to find shoes of the same foot. The nurse proceeded to remove my sock the look of disgust on her face was so obvious, she almost fell back on to the floor after she looked at my foot, my four toes had embedded themselves into my big toe there was no space in-between, the nurse stood up and gave me a big hug and asked me to put my sock and shoe back on. The nurse told me to go and wait over on the chair in the hallway, she walked over to the school secretary and said i would be going home for the day and she was taking me.
As we drove up the driveway Armida was walking a man out of the house I had never seen this man before he slightly leaned over and gave Armida a kiss on her cheek and drove away, as the nurse and I walked closer to Armida I don't know why but all I seen was the school nurse swing her arm so fast in the air and open hand slapped Armida so hard in the face, Armida grabbed her own face and held it in disbelief, tears started streaming down her cheeks the side of Armida's face was swollen red. The school nurse then pulled out her phone and called the police she told the operator that she wanted to report Armida in for child abuse. We went to court and when she was about to hear her sentence she asked to speak the judge allowed her to talk.
I met John knowing he had a newborn little girl his wife had passed right after the birth of Helen she had lots of jealousy towards me (Helen) and she wanted to hurt me but didn't want it to be so obvious the only way to hurt me was to convince me that I had been born with two left feet.
The judge stopped her and said your jealousy has ruined a little girl's life so with that being said he sentenced her to twenty years in prison.
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