

Letters From Nowhere: Prologue
17 January, 1809.
Dear Sister,
It is with great delight and affection that I pen you this letter. Oh, how I do miss you! Married life is much different than I imagined it to be, but nevertheless, Ives has been sweet! Tell me dearest sister, how do you fare these days?
With love,
Evie Darlington.

25th January, 1809.
Dear Sister,
When I first got married, I thought no other estate would compare to our childhood home. I blush to say that alas, I was wrong! The Darlington estate is nothing compared to ours, and I'm happy to say that indeed, I have found comfort here.
With love,
Evie Darlington.

19th Febuary, 1809.
Dear Sister,
How do you do? I know it has been a while since I last wrote to you, but I'm writing now. How is Claude? I miss him very much, as I do miss you. Do you remember how you, Claude and I used to roam free on the estate, and eat delicious apples under the cherry tree? Those were delightful times! I wish you were both here with me.....
With love,
Evie Darlington.

15th March, 1809.
Dear Sister,
I think my new home is starting to grow on me. Nothing is more soothing than the relaxing sound of the sea against rocks. When I think of this, I am reminded of the good times we shared. I do hope the memory of myself would console you from the dark grief that binds your heart.
With love,
Evie Darlington.

31st March, 1809.
Dear Sister,
I do wish you'd find the time to come and visit. I've so much to say that I cannot possibly pen them all down in one letter. The locals here are good and kind people, and they've been welcoming to me. I have truly found a home....
With love,
Evie Darlington.