

This Is How To Complete Things You Start Even When It Gets Very Challenging
Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut, struggling to complete tasks, or feeling like you're not making progress towards your goals?

You're not alone. Many of us face the same challenges, and it's easy to get caught up in feelings of frustration, worry, and regret.

I know firsthand how demotivating it can be when everything seems to be going wrong. For instance, I once had a colleague who was determined to exceed their quarterly sales targets but found themselves struggling to stay motivated. Despite their best efforts, they felt like they were hitting a brick wall, and their motivation began to dwindle. It's a common problem, but I'm here to show you that there is a way to stay motivated and push through even the toughest times.

By the end of this article, you'll know how to do just that.

Let's dive in...

So, What is Motivation?

Motivation is the driving force behind our actions, the spark that ignites our passion and energy to achieve our goals. It's what propels us to take action, to persevere, and to overcome obstacles. But motivation comes in two forms: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic Motivation vs. Extrinsic Motivation

🧠 Intrinsic Motivation: This type of motivation comes from within. It's the desire to achieve something because it aligns with our values, interests, or sense of purpose. For example, a sales professional might be motivated to exceed their KPIs because they enjoy the thrill of closing deals and the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. Intrinsic motivation is more powerful because it's self-driven and sustainable.

💵 Extrinsic Motivation: This type of motivation comes from external factors, such as rewards, recognition, or pressure from others. For instance, a sales professional might be motivated to exceed their KPIs because they want to earn a bonus or avoid being reprimanded by their manager. While extrinsic motivation can be effective in the short term, it often wears off once the reward is achieved or the pressure is removed.

Why Intrinsic Motivation is More Powerful

Intrinsic motivation is more powerful because it's self-driven and sustainable. When we're motivated by our own desires and values, we're more likely to stay committed to our goals even when faced with challenges. In contrast, extrinsic motivation can lead to burnout and demotivation once the external factors are removed.

Sources of Intrinsic Motivation

So, how can we tap into our intrinsic motivation? Here are a few sources to consider:

- Personal Values: Align your goals with your personal values and sense of purpose. When your actions align with what you believe in, you'll be more motivated to achieve them.

- Passion: Pursue activities that you're passionate about. When you enjoy what you're doing, you'll be more motivated to continue.

- Sense of Accomplishment: Celebrate your achievements and recognize the progress you've made. This can help boost your confidence and motivation.

Staying motivated is crucial to achieving our goals, especially when things get tough. By understanding the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and tapping into our own sources of intrinsic motivation, we can overcome obstacles and push through challenges. Remember, it's normal to feel lazy or lethargic at times, but it's not a curse - it's a sign that we need to refocus and re-motivate ourselves.

I hope this article has been helpful in providing you with the insights you need to stay motivated and achieve your goals.

If you have any personal experiences or tips on staying motivated, please share them in the comments below or repost this article to help educate others who may be struggling to complete key activities and achieve set goals.

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