

The Wolven One | Chpt. 1, Pt. 1
Aurora had been an orphan for as long as she could remember. She would spend her time at the orphanage lying awake in bed at night. She thought about many things. What happened to her parents, how did they find her; had someone gone searching for her?
The flashbacks started early at a young age, getting less vivid as she grew older. But now they were vivid as ever, like it was just yesterday when these events had happened. Though she had many flashbacks, one in particular has seemed to reoccur.
Familiar figures rushing through the forest, presumably her parents. Holding her as a child, wrapped in a blanket. They run for a while, from who knows what, eventually ending up at a wolf den. Her father looks at the alpha wolf in the eyes and they share a trust known only by a father, then he sets her down. He looks at the wolf one last time as he leaves, as to say; "Farewell my friend, promise that you will care for her as your own. Do not let anything happen to her."

© ThatOneAuthor